
Search results

  1. a question to all

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Where do people get "cannot treat transgendered people on religious grounds" from? I have read a fair amount of scripture of various religions. Mormon, catholic, christain, budism, muslim, luthren(althoug i have to ...

    - 2016/09/03 - 11:48am - 8 comments

  2. It;s Dorothy's fault...seriously!

    Tels General Audience (pg) Drabble ~ 100 words Posted by author(s) Since dottie keeps fibbing.... Two years ago... Todd met up with the bully Jack outside of school> Todd" lets settle this once and for all!" Jack" Your on! I'll prov ...

    - 2016/10/11 - 11:51pm - 5 comments

  3. The old hospital

    Tels General Audience (pg) Short-short < 500 words Posted by author(s) Late in the fall of 1978 just after the first snow fall, also called locally the winter warning, a community came together in an ageing meeting hall before it became the curling/hoc ...

    - 2016/10/20 - 10:38pm - 5 comments

  4. Skirting the issue 9 Instinct

    Tels General Audience (pg) 7,500 < Novelette < 17,500 words Crossdressing Teenage or High School School or College Life Shopping Posted by author(s) huhh... Why am I in front of the keyboard? What??? I thought I got rid of you for good? i ...

    - 2016/10/19 - 8:35pm - 19 comments

  5. Jaci and dottie the beginning....maybe

    Tels General Audience (pg) Sequel or Series Episode Interactive Collaboration In a little house on the edge of somewhere huddles a little child under blankets with a small plastic fairy on a broken base found recently in the snow. "Please fairy make ...

    - 2016/10/30 - 11:09am - 3 comments

  6. This really is dorothy's fault

    Tels CAUTION General Audience (pg) 500 < Short Story < 7500 words College / Twenties Identity Crisis Posted by author(s) Growing up whenever we went out to someplace dressy or special I never had to wear a tie like other boys my age. Just a nice shi ...

    - 2016/11/04 - 7:32pm - 10 comments

  7. cliche' or cheesy

    Author:  Tels tels's blog I was watching a tv show. A super hero show. Why is it that even though the police chase is like 30 stories straight down the "hero" has to take a LONG way to get there? In batman he drives for like minutes to go l ...

    - 2016/11/15 - 7:30pm - 2 comments

  8. The world of steam.

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Many people forget that in the 1800's- early 1900's it was the age of steam. Sure there was great ships powered by steam. Sawmills powered by steam. But that wasn't all. The greatest use of steam was for centr ...

    - 2016/11/22 - 7:48pm - 10 comments

  9. Keyboards

    Author:  Tels tels's blog I have seen this a half dozen times. Simple keyboard maintenace.. turn off computer and unplug keyboard from computer. On the back of most keyboards is a couple of phillips head screws. Remove all of them. This exposes the i ...

    - 2016/12/20 - 8:51pm - 25 comments

  10. im... shaken... and very well stirred.

    Author:  Tels tels's blog First off. My last parent, my dad, is going in soon for surgery to have a tumor removed from his spine. Btw soon in Manitoba medical is NOT a good thing. It means they think it is serious.. He was told he has a 10% chance to ...

    - 2017/01/09 - 8:20am - 10 comments

  11. how to go insane....

    Author:  Tels tels's blog found this totally by accident ...

    - 2017/05/21 - 5:49pm - 8 comments

  12. Manitoba at its finest!

    Author:  Tels tels's blog I live in Manitoba. This week on monday we had our furnaces and woodstoves going as it was like 5 overnight with a high of 14 in the day. It's now friday. Last night was 19 at the coldest and its 32 right now. With a ni ...

    - 2017/06/05 - 11:03pm - 10 comments

  13. crystallhall

    Author:  Tels tels's blog has expired. something weird there. seems to be working however. ...

    - 2017/10/01 - 1:37pm - 2 comments

  14. The Hero contest.

    Tels CAUTION Mature Subjects (pg15) 500 < Short Story < 7500 words Superheroes Fanfiction Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Contests, Deals, Bets or Dares Girls' School / School Girl Posted by author(s) Authors note. First off I have bee ...

    - 2017/10/19 - 11:10pm - 13 comments

  15. What is wrong with bc.

    Author:  Tels tels's blog Just tried to get to home page and all i get is some teaser page that isnt any stories or links to stories. There is comments on the side and no blogs nothing. ...

    - 2017/12/06 - 10:58pm - 2 comments

  16. A very hard choice. Part 2

    Tels General Audience (pg) 17,500 < Novella < 40,000 words Crossdressing Comedy College / Twenties Reluctant Contests, Deals, Bets or Dares Sisters Posted by author(s) So the next morning... Oh wait you want to hear about the night before? Fine.... ...

    - 2018/01/10 - 10:50pm - 8 comments

  17. A very hard choice

    Author:  Tels Organizational:  Title Page Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Ever have one of those days that just went sideways? Ever have a week? How about a month? Why do I ask. Well..... A very hard choice By Tels This story is protected by copyr ...

    - 2018/02/18 - 1:50am

  18. A very hard choice. Part 3

    Tels General Audience (pg) 500 < Short Story < 7500 words Crossdressing Transformations College / Twenties Accidental Appliances Attached Partial Transformations Posted by author(s) So... The next morning I woke with a start... Whaaa? But But But... ...

    - 2018/01/14 - 9:03pm - 17 comments

  19. A very hard choice. Part 4

    Tels General Audience (pg) 500 < Short Story < 7500 words Crossdressing Transformations College / Twenties Accidental Appliances Attached Partial Transformations Posted by author(s) "HE KISSED ME" I yelled! A boy kissed me, and I let it ha ...

    - 2018/01/22 - 12:50am - 11 comments

  20. what the heck?

    Author:  Tels tels's blog For the second time today when I go to bc website i get this page "checking your browser" and then it eventually gets me to bc. There is nothing wrong with either my system or browser so I have to assume there is a ...

    - 2018/01/30 - 9:08pm - 5 comments
