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  1. zzzzzzZZZZzzzzz....

    zzzzzzzz...ugh, what? Oh, yeah, I'm writing something, huh? What was it about...zzzzz...ZZZZZ...zzz...Whu? Oh, yeah, just a sec...*BAM* (smacks head into wall). OK, I'm awake, for now. So, uh, what was I saying? Oh yeah, writing stuff. So, I hav ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 3 comments

  2. Late entry

    I actually managed to finish (more or less) my Summer Romance contest entry last night. It's kind of rough, but done. I still need to do some minor formatting stuff with it and give it a title. Then I'll go through it one last time and probably ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 3 comments

  3. Coming out of the fog (hopefully!)

    Hello again everybody! I haven't been too vocal lately; as in no comments to speak of at all, even in response to comments on my own stories like I usually do. It's been a pretty busy summer, and I was kind of tense for a while do to both that a ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 5 comments

  4. Uh oh, I've done it again!

    Here I am working on getting T&T caught up with VC (and I'm getting real close!), and now I've come up with another side story for VC! It's an idea I've had in the back of my mind for a while, though not necessarily as another side ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 2 comments

  5. Posting schedule change

    I've been working up to this for a while, and it's still kind of premature, but I've decided to go ahead and change my posting schedule from every 7 days (Fridays) to every 6 days. This means I'll be posting on Thursday this week. I� ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 2 comments

  6. Venus Cursed! Update

    No, it's not going live just yet, but I wanted to talk about it, so there!;p Anyway, here's where things stand right now: ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 11 comments

  7. Look out, runaway muse!

    Oh wait, that might be a good thing...;) ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 2 comments

  8. Progress!

    I finally made the last payment on my credit card today! Shortly after going full time I had something like $16,000 of credit card debt, but as of today it is $0! ^_^ I've been working hard towards this for a long time, so I'm very happy! Especi ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 4 comments

  9. Oopsie!

    I just realized I never posted anything yesterday!:(Sorry! I go and announce a schedule, and then I don't even stick to it. As soon as I'm done writing this I'll post Toil & Trouble 15. And I'll go ahead and post again on the 25th, ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 2 comments

  10. Late again!

    I keep losing track of time lately! Sorry about being a day late to post again, but The Watcher #7 is up now. Things get a bit complicated for me at this point, because Watcher, Who Watches the Watcher, Toil & Trouble and Venus Cursed! all come togeth ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm

  11. Bottom of the cycle, I hope!

    My emotions seem to follow an irregular cycle. Sometimes the ups aren't all that high, and the downs are pretty darn low. I had a moment around the beginning of this year, on the drive home from work, when the idea popped into my head that all I had ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 5 comments

  12. Still alive

    It's been a while since I've posted a blog, or commented much for that matter. I'm still having muse issues, so I've settled more or less on a biweekly posting schedule until things improve. ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 4:58pm - 9 comments

  13. Activity Renewal in Progress...

    Hello again all! Been a while since I've posted anything (4 months, ack!). I never intended to be quiet so long, sorry about that. However, I haven't been idle. ...

    - 2012/02/01 - 10:03am - 10 comments

  14. Pass On What You Have Learned

    Author:  Saless Organizational:  Title Page Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Transformations Posted by author(s) Voluntary Pass On What You Have Learned   by Saless   Ann is a remarkable young woman.   At an early age she ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 10:10pm - 2 comments

  15. KittyHawk

    Author:  Saless Organizational:  Title Page Audience Rating:  Mature Subjects (pg15) Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Transformations Posted by author(s) Science Fiction Accidental Animal / Furry / Non-human Stuck A pirate attack on a ship starts a chain of even ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 10:39pm - 4 comments

  16. The Many Tails of KittyHawk

    Author:  Saless Organizational:  Title Page Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Fiction Transformations Posted by author(s) Science Fiction A pirate attack on a ship starts a chain of events that changes the world forever.   ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 11:15pm - 2 comments

  17. Venus Cursed!

    Sean experiences a series of strange dreams. They lead to one impossible thing after another happening to Sean and his friends, culminating in him becoming... by Saless ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 11:27pm - 2 comments

  18. Dreamwalker

    Herein are recorded the dreams that Sean experiences that lead up to the incredible events that change his life forever. Dreamwalker by Saless ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 11:27pm - 7 comments

  19. Old Stuff

    Old Stuff by Saless   This is a collection of old writing I did for a creative writing class in 2002. ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 11:32pm

  20. Venus Cursed! Stories

    Author:  Saless Organizational:  Title Page Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Other Worlds Transformations Posted by author(s) Magic Science Fiction Accidental Stuck The Stories by Saless   Sean and his friends aren't ...

    - 2009/08/23 - 5:19pm
