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  1. Irresistible Impulse- Premium

    Synopsis: What if they sold in back alleys a techno-elixir that could change your life, temporarily? Give ... from Amazon and it's their way of personalizing things. I don't like it but they changed ...

    - 2012/03/18 - 4:08pm

  2. Captioning Images and Other Stuff

    I've had some questions about it so this is a few brief notes on how I've been processing images. I hope it will be useful for anyone who wants to caption images or do photo stories but has never tried anything of the sort before. ...

    - 2020/01/05 - 9:10pm - 15 comments

  3. Another Favour for Claire

    Evening I got back to her flat and changed back to my old boring self. As ever, it was somewhat of a let ...

    - 2012/03/18 - 4:10pm - 5 comments