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  1. The following is a copy of the letter I intend to distribute among my co-workers.

    undergoing some changes in the last year or more. This is due to the simple fact that I am ...

    - 2008/05/02 - 7:21am - 8 comments

  2. Well, the "Let The Punishment Fit The Crime" contest is over.

    Actually, it turned into pretty much a non-contest. It's okay. I know how daunting it must be to try to complete another writers story, and truthfully I didn't expect any entries, but I thought it'd be worth a try. ...

    - 2008/05/01 - 12:25am - 2 comments

  3. How Do I Turn Off Auto Updates To Firefox?

    With all the brilliant computer oriented minds we have here, does anyone know if there is a way to turn off automatic updates to Firefox? I use Windows XP. ...

    - 2008/12/04 - 7:37am - 3 comments

  4. It seems that Ontario will cover SRS under their medical coverage.

    Author:  Catherine Linda Michel Catherine Linda Michel's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Here's a link to the article. I wonder how much it costs to move to Ontario? Hmmmmm. ...

    - 2008/05/18 - 10:12am - 3 comments

  5. I am leaving for awhile.

    There are too many things on my mind and I cannot concentrate or even communicate with clarity. i know where my mind is headed and its a place I know very well. In that place I can harm people without caring what harm I do, and none of you deserve that, s ...

    - 2008/04/14 - 8:04pm - 8 comments

  6. Mom passed away last night at about 11:50 PM.

    According to my sister, who called me at 11:55PM. She assured me that Mom was at peace and in no pain, with her family around her. While I feel very sad right now, I also feel relieved that I didn't try to force my 'new self' on my family m ...

    - 2008/06/02 - 4:42am - 17 comments

  7. First Transgender Mayor Elected In Silverton Oregon!

    The small town of Silverton Oregon has elected the first Transgender Mayor in the United States. ...

    - 2008/11/07 - 12:36pm - 20 comments

  8. On the eve of my 7th month in RLT,

    As I begin my 7th month in RLT, I thought I'd pause and reflect on the past 6 months. ...

    - 2008/11/24 - 12:05pm - 9 comments

  9. 7 months into my RLT.

    This is gonna be a long one, my friends. So. I'm virtually done with my 7th month in RLT, and things have gone from good to incredible in such a short space of time. ...

    - 2008/12/15 - 12:00am - 4 comments

  10. Need advice / thoughts / views / whatever ASAP

    I have to meet with the lawyer Thursday the 17th to settle Mom's will. I am in the second month of my RLT. BOTH my sisters will also have to be there, and they are religiously dead set against me being myself, that is to say, Cathy. ...

    - 2008/07/14 - 5:05pm - 27 comments

  11. The time has come to say goodbye to my little buddy,

    quicker than I thought it would. In about an hour, we will be on our way to the Vets so he can be put out of his misery. I appreciate all the wonderful, caring responses I've received over the last day or so, to my blog entry. Please don't feel ...

    - 2008/05/22 - 11:52am - 8 comments

  12. CONTEST- Let The Punishment Fit The Crime: Part Two

    Awhile ago I posted a story, 'Let The Punishment Fit The Crime'. It got more reads and comments than anything else I've ever posted here and people want a part two. Therein lies a problem. You see, I never intended to even POST that story! ...

    - 2008/03/21 - 6:23pm - 6 comments

  13. As I said. I get nothing good without something bad to counter it.

    After a day of days for me, a day in which I affirmed my femininity and my writing. After a day filled with interviews with Radio, Television, and Newspaper, a little while ago I got word that Mom is back in the hospital with what appears to be a major st ...

    - 2008/05/30 - 3:42pm - 12 comments


    It's a very special day for a very special person. It's the anniversary of the birth of our online Mom, our benefactress, our confidant, our friend, Erin Halfelven. ...

    - 2008/08/05 - 7:50am - 28 comments

  15. Signed, Sealed and Delivered

    to tighten just a bit more and the lips seemed to mold themselves to mine, completely changing the ...

    - 2009/04/18 - 9:20pm - 3 comments

  16. It seems like nothing good ever happens without something bad to offset it.

    So I'm happier than a pig in s--t, with my RLT starting next Tuesday and the book signing on the 31st, when, out of nowhere, I get word that Mom is in hospital with pneumonia. She's just been through an amputation of her left leg, now this. ...

    - 2008/05/21 - 8:12pm - 13 comments

  17. Halloween 2000

    knows? Maybe in the not so distant future, they might just change their minds! I’ll be sure to let you ...

    - 2010/04/03 - 11:08pm - 5 comments