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  1. God Doesn't Make Mistakes

    God Does Not Make Mistakes by Katie Leone It is always a tragedy when anybody takes their own life, doubly so when they are so young. This week Leelah Alcorn took her own life. In her note, she mentioned various reasons for her course of actions, from not ...

    - 2015/03/18 - 12:04am - 12 comments

  2. Anyone here have a PS4?

    Author:  Sarang Sarang's blog I was just wondering if anyone here has a Playstation 4 and is playing Far Cry 4 yet? Definitely enjoying it, especially some of the animal elements. Throwing bait at the enemies to get any variety of animals to go after ...

    - 2015/01/06 - 9:40pm - 25 comments

  3. In memory of Leelah Josh Alcorn

    Author:  Jessica C jessicac119's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Suicide My heart goes out to all touched by Leelah Josh Alcorn's life and apparent suicide. I pray for others to reach out to those who do understand and accept you. Please don't take ...

    - 2015/01/06 - 9:40pm - 20 comments

  4. Audience survey- Julina of Blackstone

    Author:  Blogger Julia Phillips's blog Hi all, I have a question almost of 'site etiquette' I guess. Julina..., Book 1, is complete. It ended after chapter 40. I have the next three episodes written, and more underway. The timeline prevents ...

    - 2015/01/06 - 9:40pm - 8 comments

  5. A question

    all. With the change in EU law regarding taxation points, prices on Amazon Kindle are all over the ...

    - 2015/01/06 - 9:40pm - 4 comments

  6. Happy New year to all, and thanks to all my readers- an announcement

    Author:  Tanya Allan Tanya Allan's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing A very warm greeting this New Year from grey and damp England. I am just getting over the flu (and having grandchildren for two weeks). This is really a big than ...

    - 2015/01/06 - 9:40pm - 2 comments

  7. So you want to pass... Pay close attention

    Author:  Beth Williams BethW's blog So you want to pass. You might want to be sure you're up to the task, and well informed about 15 Inconviences Of Being A Woman Men Will Never Understand. ...

    - 2015/01/08 - 6:18pm - 5 comments

  8. The side effects of vaccines

    Author:  Blogger Julia Phillips's blog The following, culled from FB, must be a medical and psychological breakthrough, huh? Apparently, the author of this truly believes that statement! ...

    - 2015/01/05 - 6:25pm - 7 comments

  9. Suing Humanity if this doesn't happen

    that don't want to click the link, think again. It's about a petition on teaching ...

    - 2015/01/08 - 6:18pm - 10 comments

  10. Suggestions please

    Author:  Blogger Julia Phillips's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing For the first time in ten years, when we were in Australia and New Zealand, Di and I are going away for a holiday that is more than a long weekend. We shall fly t ...

    - 2015/01/08 - 6:18pm - 20 comments

  11. Who’s the fairest of them all, or, what sort of stories do folks here like the most?

    Author:  Nancy Cole nancycole's blog Caution:  CAUTION With 2014 finished, I have taken a close look at how the books I have published on Kindle have fared. In doing so, I was interested in trying to discern why some books did well, and others, not s ...

    - 2015/01/10 - 9:53pm - 17 comments

  12. Talking of ships and the sea. Food for thought.

    Author:  Beverly Taff Beverly Taff's blog Blog About:  Work / Workplace Just read an article about ships and their ever increasing size. Here's the link. She's deemed too big for any US port, now ...

    - 2015/01/10 - 9:53pm - 7 comments

  13. It's Official!!!

    Author:  Blogger Brianna Eketta's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I started HRT today!!!:):):) ...

    - 2015/01/12 - 12:06am - 9 comments

  14. Silly Web Test: Male vs Female Thinking!

    Author:  Hypatia Littlewings Hypatia Littlewings's blog Blog About:  Internet / Software / Computers / Websites I usually find these things way to simplified. However I thought this one might be of interest to a few. ...

    - 2015/01/14 - 10:08am - 25 comments

  15. Oh my. Did I just channel Michael Bay?:-(

    Author:  Kat Walker Kat Walker's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing I think I painted myself into a corner with Dead Ringer, and the only way I could think to get out of it was to go a lot more 'action thriller' than I or ...

    - 2015/01/16 - 12:44pm - 3 comments

  16. Then and Now

    changing things quite a bit. I've learned a lot in the last seven years or so. ...

    - 2015/01/17 - 1:13pm - 7 comments

  17. BigCloset in an ever-changing world

    Author:  Rhona McCloud Rhona McCloud's blog Blog About:  Internet / Software / Computers / Websites This morning BC seems to be going through a rearrangement on my iPad (there have been recent problems for iPad readers) and before I knew it I had for ...

    - 2015/01/19 - 8:25am - 5 comments

  18. what's with the Purple?

    Author:  Blogger jenny_1938's blog Recently, everything I read on big closet comen up on my screen (Samsung Galaxy Tab●4) with a purple background. Now, for those of us who don't see as well as we used to, this makes reading more difficult espec ...

    - 2015/01/22 - 11:23pm - 18 comments

  19. Console collections and unappreciated ones.

    Author:  Sarang Sarang's blog Jenna inspired me to come up with this thread. I'm curious to get a feel for what consoles people have here. You don't have to list them all, just the one's you may think are noteworthy/current and one ...

    - 2015/01/22 - 11:23pm - 29 comments

  20. Alternate Identities

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Board / Card / Video / Role-Playing Games / Toys I like the name Rasufelle. It's a name I came up with many many years ago; I was messing around with the Dungeons and Dragons second edition rulese ...

    - 2015/01/22 - 11:23pm - 7 comments
