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  1. Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

    room, outside the shower stall, seemed subtly changed. As I stepped out of the shower stall, I got the ... that were impossible for a man. Though I couldn't see, I could tell from the feel that the changes ... My right brain tried to force a panic attack while I contemplated the totality of the change ...

    - 2012/11/08 - 6:39pm - 8 comments

  2. Bikin Beach: The Nerds (trilogy)

    swipe them in the turnstile, go in the locker room, and change. And remember to shower before you leave ... Brandon's changing form. Rob stared hard. It was a girl. And not just any girl, but a very well endowed ... know," he wailed in a sultry feminine voice. "But you're changing, too." Rob glanced down, ...

    - 2012/11/06 - 7:35pm - 10 comments