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  1. Blinding Revelations

    I learned to swing a wrench and use the diagnostic computer. I could even change the oil and coolant and ... replace brakes competently. I wasn't so hot at changing tires, Taking after my dad, I was on the ... try to change the load rating on the tire so the customer thinks they're driving a lighter ...

    - 2022/11/12 - 12:02pm - 15 comments

  2. Paying it Forward- Conclusion

    littered with teenagers exchanging backrubs. Times had certainly changed. Dr Villanova had decided that ... me?" "People can change, Tamar. They rejected you for being transsexual but after all this time ... therapy. That absolutely nothing had changed in the week she had been taking the pills was vaguely ...

    - 2023/11/21 - 12:37pm - 25 comments

  3. Paying It Forward 3 & 4

    I know you want to be Tamar but we can't just up and change that overnight. I promise you we'll ... includes you. Comes with being an old woman who doesn't have the energy to change the channel, ...

    - 2023/11/21 - 12:32pm - 11 comments