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    cups of coffee and pushed one towards me and settled herself into one of the chairs across from my ... lipstick stain that I left on the cup. It was a clear sign of my determination to be myself. “Have you ... other’s arms. Our breasts pressed together as we embraced. It made me feel more womanly than I had ever ...

    - 2017/01/11 - 9:27am - 24 comments

  2. Inconvenience

    hormone treatments and my course at university that I allowed myself some breast enhancement and went up ... to a C-cup and then I scheduled the Big One, the conversion of my genitals to female. For that I went ...

    - 2023/11/17 - 5:14pm - 18 comments

  3. Reassignment

    breasts weren’t enormous, but I estimated B-cup. I couldn’t resist cupping them and fondling my prominent ... feeling the breeze on my breasts and between my legs. Even doing my business was a pleasure. I showered ...

    - 2021/10/24 - 7:12am - 26 comments

  4. At The Kajabbi Pub

    a khaki work-shirt with two breast pockets. I was lucky that I had had my Akubra with me too or I would ... Kajabbi would become a full-blown mining town. Our new road would connect the place to the larger ...

    - 2024/01/04 - 6:57pm - 21 comments

  5. Belinda Was Mine

    appearance by Jean Shrimpton on Melbourne Cup Day last year. I was there a few minutes before them and had ...

    - 2024/05/30 - 10:17am - 24 comments