New Choices?

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I dropped in today, first time in several days and saw this "Recent Status" added to my left column. It didn't look like anything I needed and the LH column is getting too long as it is, so I opened "My Account" and edited things.

But after I did that I saw some things I didn't recognize. Something about "Share Content" with a bunch of settings/options; and "Activity Settings" with a subhead of "Privacy Settings" and "user replied on some content". This is the first time I've seen these, and I have absolutely no idea what they are for and what they are actually doing. For all I know if I do or don't check something or another, I could make everything disappear on my PC, never to be seen again.

So here is where I make a quiet plea: help!


Activity Settings, SiteLog, and User Relationships

Piper's picture

So I was getting ready to make a FAQ about this, but I guess I will start here.

We have instituted a new module called "Heartbeat".

Heartbeat is a Site-Activty-Log system, that logs all activity on the site. When I post a Status, when you post a blog, etc, it all shows in the activity log.

Heartbeat Activity View Page

The new "Activity Settings" are basically a set of Privacy Controls that will control what normal users can/will see in the activity log.

Account Activity Settings

The goal of this new system, is to allow a newer, upgraded level of privacy compared to the current "Track" system which is visible to every logged in user currently.

Karen J Track Page

As I said our ultimate goal is to add a new level of privacy. This SiteLog/Heart Beat system integrates with our new User Relationships module, which allows you to request Friendships (2 way approval required) or become a Fan of another user (one way relationship, no approval needed).

Follow and Relationships

Once you have Fans and Friends you can allow Friends or Fans or the General Public or No One, access to the type of Activity Log updates at your discretion.

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

P.S. Is you turn off the

Piper's picture

P.S. Is you turn off the Status column, and don't check the Status page often, you will likely miss notices about new features as they happen, and will have to wait for us to get around to properly documenting them.

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks



I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.