I am constantly seeing in news, "Trump in Transition"
There is only one thing that enters my mind when I hear this. Over and over I am being reminded about these thoughts. How far along is his transition. Is he transitioning from Female to Male? Maybe he is at the beginning of the process, and is a Male to Female individual who is Transgendered. Is he going to transition openly while in office?
Our new President-Elect, with a vice-president who is severely anti-LGBTQ, is in Transition.
Smile Everybody, This is America. :)
Only one possibility:
Not so much a gender change but becoming his true self at last.
Bright red skin, horns and a tail...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
You forgot the pitchfork
Can't be a devil without one.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I don't know?
Looks more like Orange skin, Green Hair, and maybe a hight reduction.
Our first umpa lumpa, if you go by the original movie.
"Cortana is watching you!"
I smell a competition here????
Our new President-Elect, with a vice-president who is severely anti-LGBTQ, is in Transition.
Perhaps the transition actually meant something closer to our meaning eh?
Now that would be worth reading.
We May Be Able
To grab them by their pussies.
As the link I posted earlier
As the link I posted earlier said about Trump. (This is a site that supported Clinton)
Still, I agree that Trump in Transition is definitely an interesting concept, by the connotation of 'transition' on this site.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I hope you're right...
And these weren't just words to him.
And I'll PM you the rest of this comment,
it would just get us both deleted...
~~hugs, Veronica
(Our comments, I mean. I'm not THAT paranoid!)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,