Be yourself, life is too short not to

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It was a personal story from an author written four years and one of the points of her story was people obsessed about weight and being skinny. I pray she has finally found herself.

I don't know about others, fat, skinny, diet, what evers. I watch my weight for several reasons but the top of the list is I want to look not only good, I want to look hot in the dresses I wear. It isn't others I try to please with how I dress. It is me seeking to be above the normal, "toss it on, looks like they pulled their clothes out of the hamper" crowd that is so prevalent now days. I get enough of that out in the field, on the tractor, under the hood, on top of the big heavy equipment. Only cat skinners know how much dust and dirt comes up off those steel tracks, or rolling off the top of the blade in front. Coming in looking like ninety miles of bad road with enough dirt and grease on me, it takes two baths to get clean, I want to look more than clean, I want to look nice, pretty even. There is no one else to approve or disapprove now. I still slip on a bra, blouse, skirt, or a dress after a bath no matter how tired I am. Some of my dresses from..., I wore back then actually and really stopped traffic in the streets. Not because I looked bad but because I looked..., 36-21-36 use your own imagination. Yes, I had artificial help, it was still me. Every girl deserves some wolf whistles thrown her way while she still has it all together. I have no regrets and lots of memories of downtown shopping. Youth and beauty is fleeting, more so for females than youth and handsome is for men. I'd never achieve that figure again even if I dieted down to a hundred pounds. I still want to look good for an old worn out broad that has lived a life of ninety miles of bad road.

What I want everyone to take away from this tale of real life, is be yourself. To do that, you must accept yourself and yes even love yourself. If you are hating what you are, blaming the damn dirty hand you were dealt with in life instead of accepting and working with what you were dealt, you'll end up always "wishing you had". Hiding in the closet or looking at the one looking back at you in the mirror on that locked bedroom door is wasting a beautiful soul, a beautiful person. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Make it so when you look in the mirror, you see her or him and let her or him live.

I wish to dedicate this blog to the many beautiful people I have traded messages with on this channel. Each and everyone of you know who I am talking about. Yeah, don't start looking around over your shoulder. Yes you!
I have been blessed a thousand fold times a thousand to know you.
hugs and love forever
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
PS: I'm not baking a cake today, I'm putting an engine back in a vehicle. Any volunteers? You may wear a dress if you want. I promise to only say nice things even though I've never seen a female mech wearing a dress when replacing an engine or trans. You can be a trend setter. Call me, I'll give you the address. Don't mind me when I'm not helping. I'll be busy taking pics.
LOL, have fun with life if nothing else. God has a sense of humor, He made me.


God Made You Do What?

Yes - God made you, but you made your sense of humor.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Thank you for showing up to slide the new engine home

BarbieLee's picture

Bru only had to fly six thousand miles to help out.
Jill, bless her heart only had to drive eight hundred sixty miles. They don't all count as she picked up Nuuan two thirds of the way here.
Let's not forget Daphne..., I really don't believe she dropped everything at the South Pole Research Center to come and help but she says she did.
Erin kept calling saying she was on the way. Un huh, right.

With all the help, we dropped that engine in place and it's setting on its motor mounts. Haven't got it all wired back in yet or put the radiator back in. They run better if they have water circulating through the block.

Speaking of water, I can't believe the girls blamed me the well pump quit today and there was no water to clean up with. Sheesh, bunch of Prima Donnas, one would think they were city girls or something. Besides, all that dirt and grease under the fingernails will come out after washing dishes for a week or two. Think of it as an incentive to help out in the kitchen ladies.

All the mumbling and complaining, don't think I will invite them back to help clean out the chicken coop. Up until today I was thinking about buying some more dairy cows and letting them enjoy getting up at 4:30 to milk and giving them all the fresh milk they wanted. I'm needing to rethink that after all the grumbling today. City Girls don't know how to have fun. Glad I didn't let them play on the John Deere tractor as a reward for helping. They didn't deserve it after all.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Okay, but. . ..

Arrived in Oklahoma suffering from a severe case of I-35-itus.

I had been totally unaware that GPS does not work in Barbie's fair state. She had sent me a map, done in excellent crayons, which was a least partially correct. According to Barbie, GPS has been declared "unholy" as finding your way in life is deemed God's work. Oklahoma spends a considerable amount of time jamming the satellite system. It's amazing that they have the resources to do that, what with all the time it must take to constantly turn back their calendars fifty to sixty years.

Turned out the "engine" she needed so much help with was a thirty-pound Briggs and Stratton on her lawnmower. Actually, all we had to do was tighten the spark connection. Barbie is a LOT better with a word processor than she is with a socket set, poor thing. Once we got her sitting on her porch, with a cool lemonade in her dainty little fingers, things could be moved forward. Not sure what she does with that lawn mower. The brochure I picked up at the information rest area in Missouri said that lawns were outlawed in Oklahoma under something called the Henry Fonda Act, which had some thing to do with grapes.

We spent the day helping Barbie with her half-acre "farm." There were a lot of small jobs. . .seems Barbie has a paint allergy -- so everything needed a bit of a sprucing up. All the buildings on Barbie's farm are painted red, for efficiency: the house, the barn, the chicken coop, the cover to the cyclone cellar, and the outhouse are all red, including the trim. We were done painting in about a hour, using a spray painter. Barbie will scrap the paint off the windows when she has time.

She introduced us to her four chickens, who didn't respond to their given names, so we assumed they probably were rentals. Barbie showed us the eggs she had gathered, but I saw only roosters -- so I have my suspicions.

The day picked up when we all got out of our coveralls and changed into something nice to go to the Quickie Mart for a Big Slurpee. The parking lot was jammed with two other cars, who turned out to be tourist who had wandered off the beaten track and were trying unsuccessfully to buy maps. Seems Oklahoma law did away with maps even before they outlawed GPS. . .same logic outlined above. It still was a big time since the Quickie Mart was playing Lawrence Welk polkas through their P.A. and everyone smiled.

Then Barbie introduced us to what Oklahoma is famous for -- we all stared at the horizon for at least four hours. It was a lot like Seinfeld.

Barbie fed us a scrumptious meal of lime Jello covered with carrot shreds and mayonnaise. Although the Jello hadn't really set, so it was more of a gazpacho.

Next week Barbie is coming to MN. I've got a few things planned for her, including a trip to see the world's largest ball of twine. I hope her heart can stand the excitement!


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Laughed so hard I hurt

BarbieLee's picture

Thanks Jill, I want you to know the guy who sold me the exotic hens assured me they were layers. You said something about the eggs being rabbit eggs. You must think I'm stupid. I know what rabbit eggs are. They are multicolored and rabbits lay them every spring. As a little girl I'd go out with my parents hunting them in the yard. One year all the rabbit eggs were only white. Momma told me there weren't many flowers that spring and the rabbits eating the different colored flowers was what made their eggs all different colors. Even Jesus knew what rabbit eggs were. He called their laying season, Easter.

Appreciate you girls painting the buildings and windows. Had no idea how to make that lazy airless sprayer do it's job until yu'all showed me it had to be introduced to paint first. The guy who sold it to me said it made painting so easy it would do it itself. I've had it for ten years and it hadn't moved itself from where I first put it back in the shed. I'd give that guy a piece of my mind iffen he was still working at thu farm store. I can save money on putting up curtains now.

Not sure how to weigh an engine but I'm sure it weighed closed a a thousand tons even if it was going onto the push mower. And yes, Oklahoma has gone to Echo Green, which means no more lawns, saving water resources, and marriages when families argued whose turn it was to mow.

I apologize as it wasn't the best day for watching the sunset. Although all the dirt and bugs in the air did turn it to a lovely hazy red don't you think? You and the girls can come back for more sunset watching anytime. We don't charge for looking, although that's not a bad idea.

You should thank me I didn't use momma's recipe for jello. Hers always turned out kinda solid and hard to chew. She said she was using the flour she found in the shed. I've never used Cement brand flour but momma did. i added flour to the recipe to give it thickening but I guess not enough

Next time you girls visit, we'll go noodling. Most of the snapping turtles are further upstream at this time of year. Only seven guys and gals lost fingers noodling in the river this year. So it was a really good year even with nine of um getting snake bite. No need to bring uh swimming gear, cut off jeans and a t shirt will do better. The guys really like to teach the girls how to noodle when they dress right.

Thanks again for all you girls helping out. It shur were kind of yuh. I appreciate the help. Laters huh until next time.
PS: When you come bring a hammer and nails and all the tin cans you can find. Roof is starting to leak some and needs some patching.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Daphne Xu's picture

"No need to bring uh swimming gear, cut off jeans and a t shirt will do better."

So you're not skinny-dipping? Aww... (Imagining "Leigh" having to participate.)

-- Daphne Xu

Skinny dipping

is strictly for those that fit in a size 6 or smaller. Not that the rest of us can't be dips in our own way.

Up until today I was thinking about buying some more dairy cows and letting them enjoy getting up at 4:30 to milk and giving them all the fresh milk they wanted. Personally I think it's rather cruel to wake up the cows that early just to milk us.

Otherwise I think Jill covered most of the events quite well. However, Barbie going north? Well, South is South and North is North and never shall the twine meet.

This entire thread.. :)

Erisian's picture

This whole thread had me smiling at work today, thank you! Rather needed it (and totally shouldn't have been reading the site on my phone while at the office but shhh don't tell anyone!). :)