i have cancer

A word from our sponsor:

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i have stage 4 cancer of the lungs also have 3 t on the brain. i'm on my death bed . i have enjoy this site for over 8 years don't know when it's going to happen


Most sorry to hear that, Digger.

Podracer's picture

Glad though, that you have enjoyed your time here with us, I know you have been commenting, and will be remembered when you leave.

"Reach for the sun."


sorry, I never had any interaction. not around like I used to be, but I did see your tag on a few comments. my wife said she will add your name to her grandma's prayerlist for whatever help he may offer.

Thank you

Andrea Lena's picture

for being here,


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

May your journey be

May your journey be interesting, and with little pain.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


May your passage be a gentle one and kind.

I am so sorry to hear that

Amethyst's picture

I hope that when you go it is comfortable and painless. Please know that I will be thinking of you as I'm sure many others on the site will as well. You will be missed.

*bug hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Ask not for whom the bell tolls

Each loss of a person here diminishes us a little bit. BC needs intelligent readers as much as we need intelligent writers. You will be missed.

Requiescat in pace

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Hard, Many of us know

BarbieLee's picture

Digger hon, wish I was there and was able to lead you home. Believe in me, these words, you aren't finished, just a change of address.
Father, this child needs your comforting angels

Be blessed, Digger

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Sorry to hear that

I hope you passing isn’t painful and is peaceful you will be missed.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Never lose hope

Be brave, and may whatever is ahead of you be peaceful and happy. But also never lose hope. I have seen people in such a condition who beat the odds, survive and recover. May you be one of these!


erin's picture

I'm glad you have enjoyed what I have been able to make available. It is as kind a thing as you could say to me.

Now that you have been given the knowledge that your journey nears an end, I hope you have the peace and time to gather your memories of the good things in life and savor them. Friendship, love, and simple pleasures last longer in memory than anything.

Remember your friends and your loves, savor your good memories of them.

If you had a dog or other companion animal, think of those times when you enjoyed their company.

If you had work that you enjoyed, remember that. Hobbies that enriched your life, travel that broadened your heart and mind, places and things that endeared themselves to you.

It's all there. Even the pains you suffered can be remembered as things that made you stronger, gave you the opportunity to grow and be a better person.

Don't forget to celebrate yourself. Remember kindnesses you have done for others, sacrifices you have made, lessons you have learned.

I'm not a religious person but if you are, take the solace that you can in your faith.

I am a mathematician and I know that a string is only as long as it is, but that all strings are one, stretching through time, forward and backward in a net as big as eternity. And that time is an illusion we need to function because otherwise, everything would all happen at once.

Everything that ever was, still exists, somewhere in time, in the net of lives that all of us are a part of.

"For every night there is a dawn,
So if you look around and I'm gone,
Look around again, I'm not far away."


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

like to add

I want to add this my wife pass away Jan 13 2018 we had her cremated that's the way i'm going to i'm mixed my ashes with hers .