Don't Quit Your Hormones

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We have all heard and read the same advice, "don't quit your hormones if you have been on them awhile". Well guess what? No really make a guess. That one didn't count, too easy, try again. Yes I dropped my hormones nine days ago. I returned from the doctors office a few hours ago. Katie told me to get back on the hormones, contact my transition doctors, Diana or Marlene and remember what I had been told about quitting hormones. If one has been on them for awhile don't just quit cold turkey.
I was swelling up like an overfilled water balloon. Water retention had got out of control. So..., like a good little chastised puppy, I returned home and took my hormones. I'll contact one of my trans care docs and see about tapering off. I'm getting off the old school idea of Harry Benjamin hormones and going to Dr. Powers schedule. Of course everyone can be prepared for me to give a full report how that works out after six months more or less.
Thank God I have support as a lot of the girls don't have this. I wish everyone a life no matter where in the spectrum of heterosexual, LBGT you may fit. My God doesn't make any mistakes but we mortals seem to be able to mess up no matter how good the initial plans were.
When we finally know everything, we realize we know nothing.
Hugs People
PS: Goats need worming. Jill, Bru, Erin, Nuuan, Samantha, Daphne...,anybody?


LOL not a problem

BarbieLee's picture

I had to look it up in the goat husbandry as I never heard such a thing. Bring your body on over and we'll worm them four legged critters. By the way, it's not a goat problem and in X number of years it's never been a dog problem around here either. Farm dogs don't have that problem? Must be a city dog problem? Maybe if you get some hares and turn them lose in the apartment you wouldn't have that problem either. I diagnosed it as lack of doggy exercise. You'll get my bill. My friends call me a quack when I'm doctoring and if they are respectful they call me Dr. Quack. No discrimination here, we treat humans and animals on the same exam, operating table. Same instruments too although I'm thinking about getting a new pocket knife.
Hugs Melanie
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Cross eyed bull

BarbieLee's picture

Farmer had a hundred thousand dollar bull used for breeding.
One day he noticed the bull's eyes were cross eyed and called the vet. It would tank the stud fee if anyone found out.
Vet came out, took one look pulled a short hose out of his medical bag stuck it up the bull's a$$ and blew
Immediately the bull's eyes straightened up
The farmer and vet visited for a little bit and the bull's eyes crossed again.
"Don't worry," offered the vet."it may take three or four times but they will stay normal. Now you try it."
The farmer walked behind the prize bull pulled the tube out turned it around stuck it back in and blew.
The vet couldn't believe what he saw. "Why did you turn the tube around?"
Farmer looked at him in disbelief. "You didn't expect me to put my lips on the same end you had yours on did you?"

Hugs Melanie
When life hands you lemons give them back. It's a trick.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

only took 3 months at half

dawnfyre's picture

only took 3 months at half dose to get my system to accept no hormones without major problems. ( read: menopause symptoms )
The hot flashes were the worst.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

15 years added life.

I haven't checked recently, but it used to be that Doctors felt that way. I'm 73. My relatives were all dead in their mid 60's. No guarantees.