I have Covid

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Not too bad yet, just very fatigued and sore.


Hang in there

I caught it recently too even though I was very recently vaccinated.

It was a breakthrough infection when a lady sitting at the next table from me at a restaurant coughed right in my face, ruining the last 3 days of my vacation. I am still coughing from it even over two weeks after getting it.

As long as one is vaccinated recently (within a few months or so) the disease should not be too bad.

Get Well Soon

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

I hope

Angharad's picture

you feel better soon.


Get better, Holly!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

I pray you get off as lightly as I did. But be careful. Damned virus is a sneaky bastard.


Get well soon!

Lucy Perkins's picture

We both had it in May, despite taking every possible precaution.
Don't be surprised if you are absolutely exhausted, but I do hope that you quickly get over it.
Lucy xx

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."


You can beat it.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Sorry!!! Please take it seriously ...

Even though a lot has been learned, and treatments and vaccines are better ... we are still learning.

Covid seems to be quite varied in symptoms and effects; every person seems to get 'hit' differently.

Keep in touch with your doctor as to symptoms and treatment(s) - even if those are 'the same' as for the much better known flu.

Of course you already know this - but try not to pass it to others. Insist visitors are masked, etc., even if they are vaccinated.

Hoping you get well soonest.

Praying for you

Dee Sylvan's picture

Take care of yourself Holly. I had a mild case and I think it was due to my vaccination and I also got a monoclonal antibody infusion the day I came down with it. (One of the benefits of a having a nurse for a daughter and a doctor for a son-in-law.) We need you back.

