2013 book of the year and escaping the T

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I am an egotistical person. I know that. You know that. People who never met me assume that. So, what does an egotistical person do? The put their name in google and search for themselves. And, that's what I did. In my defense, I was looking for reviews of Unreachable. Last week I sold 500 copies (which is a lot for a week) and I was curious if blogs had anything nice (or nasty) to say about me.

Then I come across this link:


Evidently, while I wasn't looking, someone gave me book of the year honors. I like that. It's also humbling, especially considering that the site mainly focuses on gay literature. I tell this to everyone for two reasons. 1. I want to brag and I don't have anyone in real life who cares and (more importantly) 2. To show that there is wider appeal for transgender fiction than people may realize.

I am hard at work writing my titillating piece. I haven't titillated yet and don't know if I'm doing it right. I have to ask myself an important question, do I publish under Katie Leone or make another name for more risque stuff. I do have a following and some people buy me just because it's me and starting from scratch might suck. On the other hand, I'm known for writing about youth and a lot of my stuff is YA appropriate and I don't want to alienate people. It's such a difficult choice. or I'm over thinking it.

Anyway, wanted to share my good news with everyone.


Congratulations Katie! I

Congratulations Katie!

I thought Unreachable was a wonderful tale; and I am glad to see others agree with me!

I hope you have a great year for your published works in 2014 as well!


Congratulations, Katie! That

Congratulations, Katie! That is a great review and wonderful sales figures. You go girl!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


Everybody does self search from time to time. Me... I was last mentioned on the first page by Google some 5 or 6 years ago.
I'm sad to say that I'm not your fan. But I'm glad to see that you are getting good results and recognition outside of TG community.

PS: I'm not a fan of Shakspeare, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, so you are in a good company :-)

PPS: Being egoistical is OK as long as you don't intentionally hurt other people.