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  1. British Cycling and trans women

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item I am seriously considering resigning as a member of British Cycling after they decided to stop transwomen from competing in elite women's bike races. This has all blown up after Emily Brid ...

    - 2022/04/10 - 6:10pm - 12 comments

  2. Women scientists under-recognised

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item The latest research shows what we suspected, women are left out of the authorship of many scientific papers, we all know of Rosalind Franklin and DNA, it seems it's still happening. I hope ...

    - 2022/06/28 - 2:10pm - 6 comments

  3. Fairy wrasse

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item According to the Guardian, these fish along with another species of wrasse start off as female but become male as they age, becoming more colourful as they do so. Nature seems to have it the wr ...

    - 2022/11/07 - 11:45pm - 9 comments

  4. Sad to report

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item That the teenage girl stabbed to death on Saturday in Culcheth, Cheshire, was transgender though they don't believe it was hate crime. Brianna Ghey, aged 16 was found in a park on Saturday ...

    - 2023/02/20 - 12:53pm - 11 comments

  5. It's what we have been trying to tell them for years

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item Finally, someone does a survey that iterates what we have been saying for years, as long as you don't want to be an athlete: ...

    - 2023/03/25 - 10:39am - 2 comments

  6. Life imitates art, ahem, the bit I wrote about bees in Bike last night

    changing. I read Chittka's book last year, it was fascinating and now this American scientist, Stephen ...

    - 2023/04/05 - 3:06pm - 7 comments

  7. 3rd transwoman killed in Atlanta

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item From the Guardian a report of a transwoman killed as she did her shopping has also starred in a documentary film which has won awards. How people can defend gun ownership defeats me. https://ww ...

    - 2023/04/23 - 9:38pm - 13 comments

  8. Russia a hostile place for trans people

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item While the Labour party in Britain struggles with the gap between trans rights and feminist worries Russia has no such worries, Putin has banned all treatment for transgender folk making it ille ...

    - 2023/07/26 - 7:04pm - 17 comments

  9. Definition of woman

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item In the Scottish courts they are actually debating this, Women for Scotland, partly funded by JKRowling, are trying to overturn the 2004 law of someone with a gender recognition certificate (suc ...

    - 2024/04/02 - 9:37pm - 5 comments

  10. Trans woman wins Miss Maryland

    news for a change. ...

    - 2024/06/13 - 4:40pm - 8 comments

  11. LGBT shooting in Florida

    Anne Galliver's blog Author:  Blogger Caution:  CAUTION Blog About:  News Item My heart goes out to all the family and friends who are now mourning the loss of their loved ones in what is, I believe, the largest mass killing in the US. I hope no one ...

    - 2016/06/16 - 1:48pm - 17 comments

  12. Triggered by recent events in USA

    Author:  Blogger Asche's blog Blog About:  News Item I feel like I'm living in a waking nightmare. ...

    - 2021/01/19 - 10:19am - 47 comments

  13. Revolutionary War hero Casimir Pulaski actually a WOMAN

    Author:  AuPreviner AuPreviner's blog Blog About:  News Item Saw this article in the Daily Mail. ...

    - 2019/04/11 - 5:43pm - 5 comments

  14. Which Bathroom

    with the herd no matter how many laws are passed. Let's begin the story. Trip to OKC and my change ... clinics weekly. Remind me to NOT change in the future. The paperwork is a killer and X years of past ...

    - 2021/03/19 - 1:04pm - 9 comments

  15. Time for another "Boy protests school uni by wearing skirt" story.

    Author:  Blogger Beoca's blog Blog About:  News Item I suppose it is one of those normal parts of the British school year running late into June- boys get told they cannot wear shorts, start sweltering in the heat, and one or more get the idea to wea ...

    - 2021/06/09 - 1:17pm - 16 comments

  16. Hatch, Match and Dispatch

    transgender and comes to change her name. It is joyful but painfully sad since her parents won't ...

    - 2016/02/21 - 11:50am - 1 comment

  17. Same sex marriage in Australia- at last!

    Author:  Bronwen Welsh Bronwen_Welsh's blog Blog About:  News Item Today was a special day in Australia. The same-sex marriage debate has been going on for years. Despite the fact that our Federal Parliament has to pass legislation to allow it, they ...

    - 2017/11/25 - 10:58am - 4 comments

  18. Cymru am byth!

    Author:  Bronwen Welsh Bronwen_Welsh's blog Blog About:  News Item With a name like mine, I could hardly avoid mentioning the great news that a Welshman has won the Tour de France! The only problem was that in Australia, the telecast ran until 2am mo ...

    - 2018/08/09 - 12:53pm - 8 comments

  19. British football journalist Nicky Bandini

    announce their change publically, but for those who do, I say 'well done'. ...

    - 2019/08/24 - 12:12am - 2 comments

  20. Trans character on 'Neighbours'

    Author:  Bronwen Welsh Bronwen_Welsh's blog Blog About:  News Item The groundbreaking and highly successful soap opera 'Neighbours' produced in Melbourne Australia for the last 34 years, will introduce its first trans character in September ...

    - 2019/09/03 - 4:24pm - 5 comments
