British football journalist Nicky Bandini

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British football journalist Nicky Bandini (previously known as Paolo) has come out as transgender and announced that she intends to keep writing as a sports journalist under her new name. I find it very encouraging that someone in her position feels comfortable in making this announcement. I know it's not for everyone to announce their change publically, but for those who do, I say 'well done'.



I am torn, here. This is good news, and I wish her the best of luck, but the way the Guardian is reporting this stinks of a damage limitation exercise.

They have just had two trans employees resign, citing the increasingly transphobic attitude of the paper as well as fears for their safety while actually at work. They write of an ever-worsening atmosphere of hatred and contempt, and their comments have been made very public.

Very sad to hear

I thought the Guardian was a quality publication, unlike the Murdoch Press that dominates Australian newsmedia, always ultra-rightwing and climate change denying.