
Search results

  1. My Life Transgendered

    Let me begin by saying that this life is not a game. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation or heterosexual crossdressing. It is about finding happiness and peace within myself. I am a woman who was born into the body of a male. I know many people w ...

    - 2010/04/20 - 10:52pm - 11 comments

  2. The Mrs. 'Clause'

    The icy wind and blowing snow cut through me as I trudged along the sidewalk on my way to my job as a salesclerk at 'Kringle's Department Store'. The job didn't pay a lot, but it kept a roof over my head and food in my tummy. I was als ...

    - 2010/12/11 - 10:45am - 10 comments

  3. Until We Meet Again (Expanded)

    Jengrl CAUTION: Attempted Suicide Younger Audience (g/y) Summer Romance 2011 Story Contest Fiction Transgender Transformations Transitioning Romance Child Preteen or Intermediate Teenage or High School College / Twenties Lesbian Romance Sweet / Sentimenta ...

    - 2017/10/27 - 2:57pm - 10 comments

  4. Wish Upon A Christmas

    Christie made her way to the eighth floor of the Cancer wing with a sense of dread and a heavy heart. Dr. Fischer had called her that afternoon and told her that she needed to get there to see her mother as soon as she could. The cancer had spread to her ...

    - 2011/12/26 - 10:56pm - 4 comments

  5. The Other Side Of The Door

    "Get out now!"The house is on fire! I screamed. "My brother Dan was on the other side of the locked bathroom door. That was the last thing I said to him before the world went black. I woke up three days later in the hospital. "Mom? Whe ...

    - 2008/01/28 - 9:46am - 8 comments