
Search results

  1. I've finally got something done! Here is the synopsis.

    Hi everyone. I've managed to succeed in breaking through RL and achieve a first! I have published a new novel......BEHIND THE ENEMY (Book 1) It is published through Amazon for Kindle readers at this time. I am hoping to put it on general eBook & ...

    - 2011/05/04 - 10:04am - 15 comments

  2. My site updated with first chapter of Behind the Enemy

    Hi again. For those of you who are like me and like to browse before you buy, I've posted the first chapter of my book BEHIND THE ENEMY to my website. There are links to Amazon from the page. Link Here: ...

    - 2011/05/04 - 10:03am - 4 comments

  3. Tanya Allan AMAZON PAGE

    I have now created my own TANYA ALLAN Page on AMAZON.COM. Hopefully, as I manage it, all the published books that I produce will be available to purchase here. I have already revised a few existing paperbacks and eBooks as Kindle books- RING THE CHANGE, T ...

    - 2011/05/04 - 10:03am - 1 comment

  4. More books by Tanya

    Hi Busy publishing.. see my site for some updates or Amazon for new Books. I am looking at paperback and Pdf versions... Tanya ...

    - 2011/06/11 - 9:01pm

  5. Another story by Tanya Allan on

    Hi everyone. Been busy again. My last few books have sold well, so thanks for your support. If things go as they are I may be able to cut back on paid work and give more time to writing, which will mean I should be able to finish my free postings. I have ...

    - 2011/07/03 - 9:11pm - 4 comments

  6. Thanks to all of you who've supported my 300 book sales

    Many thanks and hugs to all of you kind people who have supported my first 300 book sales. Since April I have now sold 310 books, and they keep selling. My aim, if that's okay with you guys, is to settle down into a routine that doesn't involve ...

    - 2011/08/15 - 4:46pm - 8 comments

  7. More on my Page with

    I have now sold more than 430 books, so many thanks. Just a quick line to let those of you who may be interested, I have revised Tango Golf and published the new edition through Amazon Kindle. I have also listed the first edition on my page there for thos ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:12am


    Hi all. I've please in announcing a new title on Amazon Kindle. I shall be placing a taster on my website later today, but in the meantime check out my page on Amazon here: Tanya's Page Check out here: In Plain Sight Check out Amazon. ...

    - 2011/09/10 - 8:59am - 9 comments

  9. Link to the first chapter of IN PLAIN SIGHT.

    I have updated my website and added the Prologue and first chapter of IN PLAIN SIGHT with links to the various Amazon sites. Tanya's Website Page- IN PLAIN SIGHT Tanya ...

    - 2011/09/21 - 2:20pm - 3 comments

  10. How do you beat the block? Some thoughts and ramblings.

    As I sit in front of my PC, fingers busily creating on the keyboard, and then that moment arrives, you know, that moment when there simply is nothing there. I often get them these days, probably my age, but it is common amongst those of us who try to crea ...

    - 2011/09/21 - 2:20pm - 19 comments

  11. A question or two for you all.....

    Hi there I am trying to juggle elderly parents, grandchildren and everything in between. Due to my parents, I've had to shelve any work for the time being, so that sucks, however, that's not why I'm writing this. I am trying to finish vario ...

    - 2011/10/18 - 6:36pm - 13 comments

  12. The Hard Way and Every Little Girl's up on KINDLE

    Hi I am busy writing as yet unpublished and unposted books, but in the meantime I have published two established stories that are still here (for free) onto Kindle. For those who may be interested in collecting them for your Kindle.. find them here.. Tany ...

    - 2011/10/21 - 4:08pm - 3 comments

  13. Emma on Kindle.

    Hi I have just published EMMA on Kindle. Please note, you can still read it here for free, but if you did want to add it to your collection.. find it here Tanya Allan's Page More up on Kindle soon, and then I shall complete my unfinished work here. T ...

    - 2011/10/31 - 9:42am

  14. Another title on Kindle- Weird Wednesday.

    Hi Just to let those who may be interested know- WEIRD WEDNESDAY is now available for Kindle. Tanya Allan's Page On Kindle US On Kindle UK My next Title will be the previously unseen and unpublished MARINE... hopefully within the week... WATCH THIS S ...

    - 2011/11/07 - 9:14am

  15. Busy week and Twisted Dreams on Amazon Kindle.

    Hi What a week! Been writing so much that my fingers are bleeding... not quite, but almost. Have amost finished MARINE Book 1, just waiting on my Muse for a cracking ending that grabs people and makes them want the next book so badly... so perhaps a week ...

    - 2011/11/14 - 3:19pm - 2 comments

  16. Whispers in the Mind on Kindle

    Hi I am having a bit of a break, so am away from my home for a while. I have recently posted Whispers in the Mind onto Kindle, but will not remove it from those few places you can see it for free. See My page on Amazon here: Tanya Allan's Page Tanya ...

    - 2011/11/23 - 5:41am - 2 comments

  17. When Fortune Smiles...on Kindle

    Hi Just a quickie... When Fortune smiles is now on Kinddle.... When Fortune Smiles It will stay here for those who still want to read it. Tanya ...

    - 2011/11/25 - 7:08pm

  18. Fortune's Soldier on Kindle.

    Hi Fortune's Soldier is now up on FORTUNE'S SOLDIER My page is here: TANYA'S Page there will be a different link. Tanya ...

    - 2011/12/05 - 3:07pm

  19. Rush, rush, rush... The Other Side of Dreams up on Kindle.

    Hi everyone. It's rush rush, rush for me.... I have eight, full-length novels in the later stages of development, all I wanted to finish before Christmas, as well as trying to get all my works onto Kindle to clear the decks. Then there are the short ...

    - 2011/12/19 - 9:09am

  20. News and Gruesome Tuesday on Kindle

    Hi News. Marine is almost there, Book 1 is being proof read, so it won't be long. Candy Cane 2 is steaming ahead. Behind the enemy 2 is grinding along... there is a difficulty in the research element with this one. Every Little Girls Dream 2 is comin ...

    - 2011/12/24 - 6:55pm - 2 comments
