
Search results

  1. A promise, corrected!

    A Promise Corrected Okay, Dreammaker and Bailey. I don’t plan to do this all the time! ...

    - 2013/01/10 - 7:33pm - 16 comments

  2. Computer Problems and New Ideas

    Hi, I'm having sporadic computer issues (I think I overloaded it) so while it's up, I thought I would let anyone looking for me know, I'll try to be on, but I'm downloading a bunch of files to DVD discs so that I can free up some memor ...

    - 2011/08/18 - 2:49pm - 7 comments

  3. Delays

    Just to let y'all know, I am working on the next chapter of Transformation Blues, but it might be slow. I just learned that my cousin who is fighting a rare kind of small cell cervical cancer is cominjg to the end of her treatments. She can have no m ...

    - 2011/09/08 - 7:58pm - 1 comment

  4. I am BACK!

    Author:  Wren Phoenix Wren Erendae Phoenix's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I'm alive! I just got home, and I see I have a LOT to catch up on! Thanks for all your prayers! Back to work...aaah! Wren ...

    - 2011/09/16 - 2:40pm - 10 comments

  5. I'm back! Part 2!

    I can't seem to stay out of the hospital! I had an infection in my stump where I just had surgery. Fortunately, no surgery this time, and it looks like I'm back on track. I hope to be using my prosthetic again by next weekend, this one-legged cr ...

    - 2011/10/02 - 9:09am - 3 comments

  6. Just a quick visit

    Hi Y'all! Just have a little while, but wanted to let everyone know I'm alive, and I'll try to show up every once in a while. No idea when I can be on reliably again, Docs say it might not be til Christmas. I'm working on the third cha ...

    - 2011/11/08 - 8:29am - 3 comments

  7. Well, finally!

    I'm coming back! There are a few more things to take care of yet, but I'm now able to get in my house safely, so I should be home for good sometime in the coming week. There is now a ramp for my wheelchair, so until my stump is healed and I can ...

    - 2011/11/08 - 8:29am - 10 comments

  8. Everything is done, as of now, I'm home 24/7

    At last, all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. I am officially home full time-no more nursing home! I can't believe I'm 700 stories behind! I will catch up, though! Time to start reading! Wren ...

    - 2011/11/17 - 8:50pm - 3 comments

  9. Anyone heard from Armond?

    Author:  Wren Phoenix Wren Erendae Phoenix's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I've sent PM's, but got no response. I know Real Life can be a hassle, but I'm a little worried. Wren ...

    - 2011/11/23 - 1:31pm - 2 comments

  10. I hope for a safe and happy Thanksgiving Day!

    For those of us that celebrate it, I hope y'all have a great holiday! My favorite thing to be thaankful for is that I found this wonderful site. I'm thankful for all of those who've read my stories, and those who write the stories I enjoy s ...

    - 2011/12/23 - 8:07am

  11. Removal of Transformation Blues

    I know it's been a while since I wrote anything, but I've finally relocated my muse. I've asked Erin to remove TB, it was very poorly written and I really hated where it was going. I've completely redone the story, and there isn't ...

    - 2012/01/04 - 3:37pm - 1 comment

  12. Wild Magic:The Beginning

    I was a fairly happy 16 year old. Okay, my family wasn’t rich, and maybe my job was a bit less than completely satisfying, but I had my Dad’s old green 1979 Chevy Stepside, and a small loft apartment over my parents garage, so I thought was doing pretty w ...

    - 2011/12/25 - 10:50pm - 12 comments

  13. Wild Magic 1

    Emily dressed herself nervously. This was probably going to be the weirdest day in her life. Well, maybe the second weirdest, she thought, giggling to herself. Learning that she had changed into a girl in the first place had to come in number one, of cour ...

    - 2012/01/10 - 1:23am - 13 comments

  14. Wild Magic 2

    I’m in my bed, just staring at the ceiling. I have a lot going through my mind, and it’s very confusing. School seems to have gone much better than I expected, which really makes me happy. The touching responses of my classmates in regard to my “death” w ...

    - 2011/12/27 - 8:55am - 11 comments

  15. Wild Magic 3

    Debbie walked up, smiling. “You must be Emily. I’m told I have you to thank for saving me yesterday. I’m Deb Holloway, I’m very happy to meet you. I used to date your cousin, Gabe. I was very sorry to hear about what happened.” We hugged, and she actuall ...

    - 2011/12/28 - 9:38am - 21 comments

  16. Wild Magic 4

    I was so confused. If I told Deb my secret, how would she handle it? Could I trust her? If the secret were revealed, even by accident, it would be disastrous. It would affect many people, including my family. How could we explain it? I just didn’t know wh ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 8:26am - 9 comments

  17. Wild Magic 5

    “You…know? B-but who…how…” Crap. Who else knew? Debbie smiled. “Relax, Emily. No one told me anything. I figured it out from the clues.” I stared at here, totally stunned. “Clues?” ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 1:22pm - 8 comments

  18. Wild Magic 6

    My mom woke me before my alarm went off, and after a few minutes of brain rebooting, I staggered into the shower, then got dressed for the day. Mom had laid out a sundress for me, but I really wasn’t ready for that. I don’t know if I ever will be. I wore ...

    - 2012/01/02 - 11:14pm - 13 comments

  19. I want to wish everyone a great New Year!

    I heard that Henry Ford said that if you believe you can't do something, you'll find that you're correct. I figure that it works the other way, too! Believe in yourself! I believe in you! Well except for Bailey Summers...nobody can write th ...

    - 2012/01/04 - 3:38pm - 1 comment

  20. Wild Magic 7

    I looked for Tim in school today, and I might have seen him, but I was too far away to be sure. I was disappointed, but I still had time. I noticed Debbie seemed to have issues when I saw her in the school hallways. There weren’t as many of her “admirers” ...

    - 2012/01/05 - 6:52pm - 10 comments
