
Search results

  1. recovering from the flu

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, I am finally recovering from the flu, and so is my mom. maybe now I can get back to writing... ...

    - 2023/11/05 - 2:27pm - 1 comment

  2. my unfinished stories are pathetic

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I took a peek at my unfinished stories, and all I can say is "yuck" none of them are any good right now, and I just don't seem to have the ability to fix them ...

    - 2023/11/09 - 3:28pm - 9 comments

  3. I relate to Crazy Jane from Doom Patrol

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I just watched the final episode of Doom Patrol. I can so relate to Jane's journey, coming to terms with what had happened to her, and finally beginning to re-integrate ...

    - 2023/11/11 - 4:09pm - 2 comments

  4. walking around in circles

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Just when I was thinking I was making progress, it turns out I was walking in circles. Mistakes I thought I had already learned from, bad habits I thought I had broken, all ...

    - 2023/11/12 - 9:48pm - 5 comments

  5. very shaky with PTSD

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical My PTSD has decided to pay me a visit. As a result, I'm very shaky. hugs appreciated. ...

    - 2023/11/13 - 12:12pm - 6 comments

  6. new poem up (read with caution)

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical new poem is up its a bit rough, so read with caution ...

    - 2023/11/19 - 2:15pm

  7. The First Photo (caution, mentions sexual abuse)

    Dorothy Colleen CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault Mature Subjects (pg15) Verse, Poetry, Lyric Posted by author(s) please read with caution The first photo he took of me, I was so happy. For the first time, I had told an adult about feeling like a girl rather ...

    - 2023/11/21 - 12:08am - 8 comments

  8. my latest dream

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical So last night I dreamed that my brother Mike and I were racing around the University of Alberta campus in wheelchairs. He managed to lose me, but I was hunting for him when ...

    - 2023/11/21 - 12:11am

  9. some good news

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical well, I have some good news. I talked with the cable company, and got them to wave the 470$ fee for my cable box. I feel a lot better... ...

    - 2023/11/25 - 9:53am - 5 comments

  10. someone broke my car window- again

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical So this morning when Mom and I went out to our car, we discovered someone had smashed in the driver's side window- for the 4th time since we moved in here. I'm han ...

    - 2023/12/01 - 7:59pm - 9 comments

  11. very sick yesterday (and today)

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so yesterday, I got very sick, with the runs, vomiting, joint pain, and a fever. I'm a little better now, but still not all the well. huggles appreciated. ...

    - 2023/12/02 - 10:28pm - 7 comments

  12. the weirdest day I have had in I don't know how long

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Okay so Mom and I went to get our laundry done today, despite still recovering from the flu. We use a laundromat rather than the machines in our building, because they aren& ...

    - 2023/12/06 - 7:04pm - 1 comment

  13. I've got something new up

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I finally have something new up, but I don't think people are gonna like it. ...

    - 2023/12/13 - 8:41pm - 1 comment

  14. Entropy surrounds me

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical A long time I created a character who was cursed with an entropy field, making everything around her fall apart or rot faster than would happen in nature. Well, right now I ...

    - 2023/12/16 - 11:05pm - 4 comments

  15. I don't want to scare anybody

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I don't want to scare anybody, but I might just have a hope of being able to enter the new year's contest. I have 400 words done, so I need to come up with another ...

    - 2023/12/21 - 2:57pm - 6 comments

  16. going dark

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical just letting everybody know, I'm having to cancel my internet. I'll check in when I can. ...

    - 2023/12/21 - 2:57pm - 4 comments

  17. The end of the Girly Girl Experiment

    Dorothy Colleen General Audience (pg) Autobiography Posted by author(s) The end of the Girly Girl Experiment It's been almost 15 years since I first tried to share my girly side to the world. And while I can’t say it’s been a total failure, the blunt ...

    - 2023/12/24 - 3:03pm - 16 comments

  18. I am so sorry, everybody

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I need to apologise to anybody who got worried about my last post. First a bit of an explanation. due to some passive-aggressive stuff by me, I ended up owing extra on my ca ...

    - 2023/12/24 - 3:04pm - 8 comments

  19. spent my Boxing day getting mugged by a dog

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical So I spent today getting mugged by a dog. His name is Rocky, and he belongs to my aunt. He's the kind of dog who basically has the doggie equivalent to hyperactivity. H ...

    - 2023/12/31 - 1:22am - 1 comment

  20. The Lucky One: Luck Be A Lady (Part 1)

    Dorothy Colleen General Audience (pg) 2023-5 May- Free Comic Book Day Story Challenge Serial Chapter Transgender May 2023 Free Comic Book Day Challenge! Posted by author(s) The Lucky One: Luck be a Lady (Part 1) For those who haven't read the first a ...

    - 2024/01/05 - 9:20pm - 4 comments
