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Since I started posting Leeway, I've somehow managed to get a new installment ready consistently each Saturday morning. I'm afraid that's going to change going forward. I've come to the end of the chapters I had already written when I started, and in spite of my best intentions I've only been able to find time to edit and polish each installment in time to post it, not to write any significant new material.

The good news is that my muse has finally returned from her extended sabbatical, so when I do find or make time to write I should at least be able to use it productively. Once I do have more material though, I'll need time to let it sit and "age" so to speak, so that I can come back to it with fresh eyes and get it ready for posting.

Try to think of it as a TV show, going into reruns for the summer while new episodes are filmed. I'll do my best not to keep you waiting any longer than I have to, but to paraphrase Orson Welles in those Gallo ads from the 1970s, "I'll post no Leeway before its time."

In the meantime, enjoy all the other wonderful stories the Big Closet has to offer. I know I will.



I've enjoyed Leeway enormously. Leigh's a real, believable girl who's finding herself at a time when hardly anyone grasped what a transgendered person was, let alone imagined that a kid of 13 would KNOW and be set on altering the course of his life to her. Leigh still has lots of mountains to climb and hoards of baddies to vanquish. I'll try to be patient, but I will sneak a peak every Saturday, hoping there's another chapter . . . . Hugs, Daphne


Good idea

Don't rush it.

Some perspective often improves a story.

Now get cranking!

Not that we are impatient.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Not important?

What do you mean we're not important? If there is anything more important than us around here I want it taken outside and shot!

What are we going to do on saturdays now? There will be no excuses, we will just have to get on with our own writing.

Thank you for sharing Leeway with us Justme, I will be watching impatiently for the next episode.

Take your time, but remember "Misery", and don't ever break down until the last chapter has been posted.



The strangest journeys start with a single step.

The strangest journeys start with a single step.

Please Don't!

Please Don't change the way you're writing! You have a wonderful style and your characters really shine forth. Readers care about them and I find myself rooting for Leigh. If it takes longer, so be it!

Leeway, Leeway, Lee Lee Way!

This story is too good to lose! If it takes you a little while to get the next chapter up, then so be it- the quality of this tale is worth it.

Besides, I've been waiting for some stories to continue for two years or more- what's a month to that?


kristina l s's picture

What they said. I get a bit wordy sometimes so..... ditto.


*Sigh* I suppose we can give you some leeway... (badum-bum-CHING)

Seriously, this story is awesome, and I'm utterly grateful that you chose to share it with us. How long ago did you start working on the chapters so far, if I might ask?

JustMe, I'm Afraid

...Leeway just Happens to be one of the 2 big crowd drawers on BigCloset at the moment for me, and I'm sure others would agree. It's quality is superb, the story flow is smooth-natural-and matter of fact, its narrative and styling border on the touch of a realism that is difficult to match, and the characters all seem to fit nicely with parts tailored out for them. By all means take whatever time you need to to continue this awesome series that has become ingrained into BC's popular culture. It will be very painful for me to stare at a weekend without Leeway posted to read, but if it means you will be getting more done, I'll make the sacrifice :)

Leeway has touched my heart, I hope somehow, that we, as readers, can touch yours.

Hugs JustMe,

Sephrena Lynn Miller

I feel you dawg

I'm in the same boat. I've got some more padding as far as how many weeks I can burn, but I haven't been writing new stuff either for the past month or two. Editing 4000 - 10,000 words per week takes time when you have a day job. Even with an editor.

The only thing you can do is go out Sopranos style. Cut to black.

Either that or shoot for once every two weeks :D