I will no longer be Katie Leone

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In the course of life we all undergo changes; it is inevitable. I have lived under the presumption that I can never be truly happy without something completely horrible on the horizon for so long that it has become my mantra. I felt like life was trying to teach me a lesson that I didn't deserve good things and that I was unlovable. My destiny was to live and eventually die alone.

It seems that I maybe have been mistaken.

This morning, Felix decided that he had enough of our current arrangement and decided to propose to me. Though things have been rocky at times, he sees in me the things that I refuse to see in myself. Namely he sees that I have value, that I deserve love and respect, and I am good. So I agreed to marry him and that should really confuse the christian right who are against lgbt marriages. They should oppose us, but on what grounds whatever why you slice it we are still male and female. The engagement ring is coming because we needed to get my finger sized, but I did get a nice ring pop. (Is it wrong to eat a engagement ringpop? Does it cancel the engagement?)

So, hopefully in the not too distant future I will be changing my name from Katie Leone to Katie Felix-Leone (Just going with Katie Felix doesn't roll off the tongue, does it). And I plan on changing my name and gender markers completely to this.



Angharad's picture

I hope you'll both be happy. Has the foot healed yet?



All the very best happiness and health in your life together!



Congratulations, best wishes, and no you can eat the ring pop. you just have to save the plastic base.


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Leigh Veritas's picture

OMG Congrats.... Wish I could be there to see it happen....Best Wishes.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.

Leigh Veritas


Congratulations on your engagement! You both deserve happiness!


Abby and Cleigh



terrynaut's picture

It's your destiny to find love and happiness. Let it come!


- Terry


Katie! Best of all things to your and Felix. I've been with my beloved for 38 years. I hope you two have at least that many years of love and companionship ahead of you.

Red MacDonald

Please Pardon the Pun...


In thinking about names, did it ever occur to you that you could be called Felix, (the) Kat(ie)??

Hugs, love, and Blessings


Congratulations, Katie.
I hope you both have a long, happy, and prosperous life.



Rock on! So happy for you, you totally deserve it :D

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D


A whole congregation at Katie's wedding made up of BC authors and readers in full Wedding Gear!
That would be a sight for sore eyes.
For that I'd even break cover and come out into the open.


And may we all be so lucky.

Melanie E.

No longer

Hey, Katie,
You go girl.