bye bye 2014!

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Yes its that day of the year, has it really been 365 days since the last one?

A fair amount has happened in 2014, i've done a fair bit of travelling, whilst i've not done all the writing i hoped to do the year has seen the completion of not one but with the release today of Culture Clash, two Gaby volumes! Thank you all once again for supporting my writing efforts, for 2015 i must try harder to get on with some of the other stuff too!


Let it slip there, yes, Culture Clash is released today, if you've been getting the smaller issues, Part The Last can be had in the usual places in digital format alongside the full forty chapter book which does include some extra illustrations. For those that like physical books its available in print format too via Lulu. So something to start 2015 off with for all the Gaby fans.

News for 2015 will come next week but the project for January is Gaby's Cookbook - lots of cooking and photography to do for that, i've already selected the dishes to include in volume one but if there is a dish from the Gaby series you'd like to see included let me know what and why it just might be included and you could be the winner of a signed copy of the book! email me here.

Of course no update is complete without a new Gaby chapter and this weeks can be found here.

Until next time,



Next stop Lulu

Podracer's picture

D'you think the famous author would sign a copy?

"Reach for the sun."


Maddy Bell's picture

Can be arranged!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Just finished it.

Another great addition to the series. Wating for volume 12+2 now....

The passage of time


Thank you for the continuing saga of Gaby also the other stories.

Best wishes for the New Year
