Publishing Vivid Dream Reality Book 2 on Kindle

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I will be publishing Vivid Dream Reality Book 2 on Kindle and in order to have it in the Kindle unlimited category, I need to remove it from this site. I thought it would be nice to give advanced warning before I remove it and figured this would be the easiest way to do that. In two days time, I intend to ask Erin to unpublish all but the first two chapters.

Happy reading.




I wish it were today, I can't wait.

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I have just finished...

Aine Sabine's picture

Reading up to date. Are you planning to continue Book 3 here? Or are you planning finishing it straight to Kindle? The suspense is killing me. I want to know what is happening with Cari!



More Chapters of Book 3

Yes I intend to publish it here first Chapter by Chapter and then when it is complete, publish on Amazon.

Thank You!!

Aine Sabine's picture

I will definitely be buying them! I like collecting stories! Also in Book 3 Chapter 8 Comment section I had an interesting thought. Hope you read it.


P.S. You are welcome to use the idea if needed.



Aine Sabine's picture

I now have it on pre-order. I consider it an early B-day present! LOL!

