Had to share this

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It is disappointing that her parents had her in a sex toy store.

Hang-about! Let's take a few steps back.

Without sex, the kid would never have been there anyway! LOLOL I think it's hilarious and perfectly illustrates the innocence that kids enjoy.

Anyway, if it was a sex shop, and we don't know that because in Europe I've seen plenty of such items sold in sweet-shops (Candy stores to our transatlantic cousins,). The staff would have probably refused the kid entry in the USA on the basis of US laws probably requiring the kid to be over eighteen. Or would that be over 21?


What do you tell her

If that was the only questionable item in the store, she would find it right away, because that's what kids do. Yeah that could be in a Spencer's or similar store, something for novelties.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.


joannebarbarella's picture

Out of the mouths of babes!