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... and somewhere in the darkness a curled up lil pixie cries over the ashes of her dreams...


*whispers to the dark* If you can hear me out there.
"Please, don't forget to fly my friends!"



Daphne Xu's picture

What happened? The road(s) not taken?

-- Daphne Xu


Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Yep, pretty much.
And It is definitely roadS, not just road.
I simply went nowhere and did nothing at a all.
I hid my dreams away, and never followed any of them.

So stupid!

I made a decision........

D. Eden's picture

At the age of 54 to be my true self.

Every day I regret the life I lost, the childhood I never had, and the woman I should have been. But every day I thank God for allowing me to be at least as much that woman as I can be.

Yes, I regret what I lost - but I revel in who I am now.

It is never too late to move forward.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Yesterday's Dreams

Yesterday's dreams can be the best thing that never happened.

Start dreaming today and take the steps to make them happen.

Warren Buffett is 90 and he screwed over most of us last year by sabotaging alternative energy.

That was his dream. I hope most of yours are less benign.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)