Keeping faith in trials

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Note: this one has religious content, so if that kind of stuff bugs you, please skip this.

Anybody can keep faith when things are going great, but its in tough times that you find out what you really believe in. I think that's one reason why God lets us go through those kind of trials, just so we can prove to ourselves that He is faithful to His promises.

Getting a small issue with my car isnt a major trial, but its the one I'm dealing with at the moment. I hope and pray I dont do anything that would disappoint my supporters when I do have a big one.

You see, in some ways, I'm on display.

I'm a rare breed - A transexual Christian, and many people from both those groups would think such a combination is impossible. So in so far as they pay attention to me at all, they want to see if I can keep this combination intact.

So my prayer is that I show myself to be nothing more or less than any other Christian woman, just one with an additional challenge to overcome.

Pray that prayer with me, if you are so inclined.


Keeping the faith when others don't... or won't

Yes, it can be tough. And while I haven't had the experience of being asked to leave a church for being transgendered, Denise and I have been asked to leave for being lesbians.

Still, it is our faith that is the glue which keeps us together when the world would tear us apart.

I don't know if this is coincidental or not, but tomorrow in the US we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. At church today we read some of his more memorable quotes, among them this one:

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

Who of us have not undergone times of challenge? Still, it isn't that we are being held to a higher standard, but that there is no higher standard. We hold steadfastly to our faith, or we don't.

And it is our example that sets us apart. Not our differences, but how we rise above them to accomplish things others never even dream about.

Sorry if this is preachy, but I don't think we give ourselves nearly enough credit for who we are and what we accomplish.


Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.


Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.

Dorothy, Dear...

You ARE a Christian woman. Didn't He say we'd be known by our actions, not by our words? You are a wonderful person that I am happy to call my friend, even if only on-line.

Oh, and I do and I will pray that prayer with you!

Hang in there, hon!



Dorothy, what you are is a Christian woman born with a birth defect that has only resently been diagnosed. This birth defect is medically correctable for those with the courage to go for it like you have.