I'm finally there!!!

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Help!!! I just read about the top three worst female health habits and that’s me!!!
1. Wearing high heels
2. Carrying a heavy handbag
3. Sleeping in make-up
Could I finally have crossed over? OMG let’s hope so.
Who cares about 4. Matching men for drinking? Maybe No5. I should worry about that is wearing the wrong bra size. [Surely I’m bigger than 38C.
Nobody is interested in 6. Harboring regrets but 7 could be a concern that is being obsessive about my appearance. No 8 No emotional eating for me. Too many pounds to lose!!
No 9 None of get enough sleep when we are dressed do we? Who cares?
And finally No10 is putting ourselves last. Of course we do.
As if I had any doubt.



#5 is worth worrying about... As wearing the WRONG size bra can have health issues.

  • Too Small a band - constricts the skin around the chest... which can lead to issues, and pain...
  • Too Small a cup - provides insufficient support for the girls and depending on other issues actually can cause the girls to HURT.
  • Too Large a band - doesn't provide enough support for the girls and puts too much of the support job on the shoulders (which can lead to deformed bones, if you have large enough girls).
  • Too large a cup - again doesn't provide enough support. The girls move around (which, depending on the material and how much too large can be distracting) which can contributing to "stretching" and such.

Seriously a properly sized/fitted bra is really important! And, it's not just the SIZE. We all have different size breasts, and two girls with 38Cs may not be able to wear the same brand/style bra and be comfortable. Just go to a high end store (Nordstroms, etc.) and get a professional fitting, and feel the difference!

As to the other ones:

  1. In and of itself, it's not a problem. Key is that you need to stretch out the muscles/tendons after each foray into heals!!!
  2. LOL - sorry - this DOES seem to be an "occupational" hazzard. Even with backpacks/computer bags, I've noticed that we tend to fill them heavier than a guy would.
  3. Not as many guys wear makeup, and many girls don't. So this one is just about not taking as good a care of oneself as we should... (Same category as sleeping with contacts in - I mean the ones not designed to be slept in.)
  4. Some studies have shown that weight for weight, women actually could do this... It's just not a good idea to show the guys up... And, those of us who've "changed sides"... Probably not the best idea either.
  5. See Above
  6. Depends on the regrets... Odds are at least some of the ones many of us harbor are different from those girls that never had our history have gone through. Oh, I don't mean about transitioning... If that was the right thing, it was the right thing and I don't expect most would feel regret. But, regrets about not doing it sooner, etc. Yeah...
  7. Appearance... Most of us have that concern, even those blessed with smaller frames, etc. And, add in all the advertising that implies the "ideal" female figure... LOL Does that make my but look to big?
  8. I'm glad you've found the self discipline to avoid this one! It IS a tough one... And, it doesn't take much to kick off an eating binge.
  9. I'm not sure I understand this one.
  10. This is one I have issues with - and is one reason my transition is only happening now, and not 25 years ago... So, yeah... It's an issue. Good parents face this with respect to their children all the time, too.

As long as you're aware that you're a female and suffer from many of the habits... :-)


On the other hand

Being an FTM crossdresser, I looked up the top worst male health habits. I don't seem to have those, cause I don't drink, I wash my hands after using the toilet (although I do tend to emulate the guys when I use the men's room and skip that action), and last I checked the testicles on my packies didn't seem to require much in the way of maintenance.

So I though I might adapt the female ones:

1. Wearing poorly fitting running shoes and trainers -- yep -- given the price of these suckers!
2. Carrying a too thick wallet in back pocket. Yep -- what with ID and credit cards etc it tend to make me sit funny -- but I ain't gonna carry a 'man-bag'
3. No real equivalent to sleeping in makeup. Maybe wearing too much aftershave? I may do that on occasion
4. Drinking like a man? Never -- I don't consume alcohol -- will never touch it or any drug!
5. Wearing the wrong jockstrap size -- none of your friggin' business -- the contents of my jockstrap are of Sparky's concern only! :-). Hmm -- sitting with my legs apart is something that I have FINALLY mastered, though!
6. Harboring regrets -- yep -- this is universal -- like why didn't I start crossdressing a long time ago since its so much fun!
7. Wanting to look handsome but not 'metrosexual' -- my goal is to look any any other guy out there. I do tend to fuss a bit.
8. Eating bad stuff -- those Baconators at Wendys are great!
9. Sleep -- with Sparky looking oh so yummy in her y-fronts -- who has time or want to sleep!
10. Trying to avoid the worst habits of men -- being obnoxious and pushy, putting down women, binge drinking, male bragging etc -- dear God, may I never take any of those on!



Trapper, men's pants have pockets in the front as well as the one's at the back. I have never liked sitting on my wallet ever since I was given my first wallet so it goes into my right front pocket. There is another advantage to putting your wallet in the front. Way more difficult to have it lifted by a pick-pocket or just having it fall out.


you can fit them into your pockets? How the heck do you do that. Ive tried! I could only get like 2 fingers into the pockets front and back with male pants, and female pants the pockets are ridiculously short.

Of course my purse is like a treasure hunter every time I have to find my car keys.

Makeup while sleeping on couch. Yep done that had to buy a special cleaner to clean off couch arm.

I don't wear heels if I can at all avoid it. They dont kill my feet or ankles but I feel like a hooker when I wear them so I dont.

All there rest I am totally guilty off including the drinking part. I never make it but I do try. Usually one drink and I am plastered and have trouble crawling.

Depends on the cut

Depends on the style and cut of the trousers. Jean style pants tend to be tighter in fit and therefore have tight pockets. Also on some pairs the pocket is round the front so when you sit down anything in the pocket is on your thigh and gets squashed when you sit down. I try to avoid using the pockets on this style of clothing as its annoying.

Most of my trousers are looser fit with the front pockets more to the side. Therefore when sat down the contents of the pocket rest beside my leg, not on top of it. Most of my trousers have pockets bug enough to fit my entire hand inside.

I never put anything in my back pockets as I never find it comfortably to sit on the contents. I personally can't see the point of back pockets.

Back pockets

The only times my back pockets get used is when I am not wearing my tool belt and I need to free up my hands so what-ever tool I am using goes in there. As for jeans, I don't wear tight one's, I usually get work jeans such as carpenter's jeans.