Happy Birthday Erin!

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How especially fitting that, following the recent unpleasantness here at Top Shelf, along comes a day that we all can appreciate, Erin's Birthday!

From a happy, satisfied customer, sometime writer, fan and a friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!!

May the next year be free from strife and full of the love that pours in from your family, friends, and all who enjoy and appreciate your hard work and dedication.

Birthday huggles, love and respect,
Catherine Linda Michel


Happy Birthday, girl!

Big hugs and best wishes! I hope this is a bright day and an exceptional year for you.

Kaleigh Way

Happy Birthday

To Erin our fearless leader....



What they said!

Happy Birthday Erin! Have a great day, you and your little dog too!

Hold your ears - off key singing included

Happy Birfffffday to you,
Happy Birffffday to you,
Happy Birfffday dear Joyceeeeyyyyy, Erin, Wanda, etc.
Happy Birfffday to you.

You are too old to ask,
you are too old to ask,
you are too old dear Joyceeyyy, Erin, Wanda, Etc.
so I won't ask your age.

Now just the cats!!!!

Meow meow meow

And now the dogs

Woof Woof Bark Woof Woof

and the Renaissance fair people

Happy Birthday to ye
Happy Birthday to ye

And the star war aficionados

In a Galaxy far, far, away
A webmistress had a birthday
and she joined the Rebel alliance
with her powers she put Darth Vader in drag
Part VII Revenge of the transvestites.

And those that will only support Star trek as being the only true space adventure

(In a heavy Scottish accent) Captain, I don't think it can hold any more candles, the cake doesn't have the capabilities.

(Seriously) Damn it Jim I'm a doctor not a fire extinguisher.

(Vulcan) Besides, it is only logical for the birthday girl to give it a blow [clear your dirty minds pervert]

(Kirk) Cake, the final five pounds. This is the celebration of the Birthday Erin. In our annual tradition we shall cyber party like no man. Oh, wait, this is for big closet. Like no Transsexual, has party before.

And now for those that have been banned from the site

-Insert cricket sound effect -

And all the world together.

Happy Birthday, Damn it, you better have fun or so help me God, I will turn this planet back a day and we'll do it all over again!!!

Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

Happy Birthday Erin!

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

Happy Birthday Erin!

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

WOW! happy Birthday on...

The anniverary of the first time the US instituted the Income Tax (1861) and the day in 1962 Marilyn Monroe died.

AND for your B-day the US will land an atomic powered rover/lab on Mars. Complete with a rock blasting laser. Take that Marvin!

Talk about a wild day.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

let us not forget

Raff01's picture

1957: American Bandstand starts on TV
1924: Comic strip "Little Orphan Annie," by Harold Gray, debuts
1966: John Lennon claims Beatles are bigger then Jesus
1972: Moody Blues release Knights in white satin

1301: Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent, English politician (d. 1330)
2184: Christine Lauren Chapel, Davenport Heights, Vermont (Star Trek)

Happy Birthday

Angharad's picture

to our landlady. May you have many more.




A Leo!

Cool. As we all know Leos are THE best! ;-)


Happy Birthday Erin!

Hopefully the children will play nice and you can enjoy your Birthday! (Hugs) Taarpa


Happy birthday from across the sea.Hope you have a lovely day and I wish you many more.


Happy Birthday

Raff01's picture

or as one friend of mine says, it's the X anniversary of your 21st birthday. You'll have to figure out your own math. I refuse to do it.

Have fun and enjoy the day. Enjoy a nice meal somewhere, maybe a movie.

Happy birthday Erin.

Just so happy for you darling.

Nodody's mentioned the number of years (and quite right too,) but may you have many more of them and be in good enough health to enjoy them.

Love and hugs.




Hi Boss!

Jaknow some Joyce gal has her B'day today, too! Saw it in Facebook; must be true...I guess.....

Have a good one! Thanks for putting up with us, me in particular....

I'll try and be less crazy, but that never seems to work, does it?

Please thank your Elven parent and humyn parent; I'm so glad that you are you and you do what you do!

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Always a day late and a

Always a day late and a present short. Happy Birthyday.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair