'Tranny chasers

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When I first went on the 'net, I joined a chat site called IMVU, and met some wonderful people there.

But sadly, I also met some not-so-wonderful people, and one type I really had issues with was the "tranny chaser".

Because I'm open about my status, I seemed to attract the attention of guys, mostly from Arabic countries, who were mostly looking for a sexual thrill by having virtual sex with a "tranny".

In my naivete, I tried talking to a few, trying to educate them on the facts about our lives, but they had little interest in me the person, only in creating a fetish object they could masterbate to.

Eventually, I wised up. and now I'm very blunt - I dont "cam", and I dont do sex texting. In my mind, those things only belong inside of a actual relationship where love and commitment reside.

Ah, well.



Extravagance's picture

Are the chasers as bad as the haters?

Catfolk Pride.PNG

'Tranny chasers

Yeah, and some of their names show just how sex crazed they are. In the ain room, there can be vary bald language that is practically soft porn.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Tranny Chaste

I've always found the best solution is to stop runnin k-jo

I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me

The few people I tend to run

The few people I tend to run across that are comfortable with me are the chasers looking for a "tranny" out of a porn. Each one gave me the creeps.