Back from the wilderness...

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Hello everybody, long time no see... I can see a more than a few names I recognise here from years ago and many more that I’ve enjoyed reading since I disappeared from the writing scene.

So where have I been what have I been doing with myself and have I been doing any more writing?

Well as for the where, nowhere. Real life reared its ugly head and had to take priority. It became more difficult to find those moments where I could lose myself in the magic of the stories and without those moments of magic I’m just banging away at a keyboard without direction.

What have I been doing... Working in mental health until very recently, which brought lots of emotional rewards but very little financial. Not that the financial side was in any way the motivator, you don’t get rich in mental health. Anyway the current economic situation has hit hard and despite all our efforts the business has gone and whatever I do next I’m not going to be sticking in the bloody stupid hours I have done working for myself...

So anyway down to the writing and to be honest at this moment I haven’t got into the groove. Yes I’ve got scraps and scenes floating round my head and I don’t yet think I’ve lost it, but I’m going to have to coax my muse out of hiding.

I think she’s having a sulk with me.

Not that she’s ever gone completely silent, but she is far quieter than she once was and now I think I’m going to have to do a hell of a lot of work to get her to trust me again...

Anyway I intend to post some of my old stories here soon, to try and consolidate bits and pieces that are scattered between Fictionmania Sapphire’s and Crystal’s and for anyone who is interested I’m going to post any non TG stuff over at

I’ve got a couple of stories there which I posted on Fictioneer, under the name Daughter of Theon, anyway they are there, enjoy and I hope to have more for you soon,

Lots of hugs to everyone, I've missed you all,



Welcome back!

Thank you for coming back to us. I am looking forward to hearing from your muse.

I have enjoyed reading The Oracle of New Delphi several times over the years.
It is an amazing story I would recommend to anyone. I plan to read it again soon.

Thank you!


Thanks Duane

Thanks Duane,

It's nice that a story is remembered after so long. However before you decide to read it again, wait a little while because I intend to post a far better proofed version here soon and that means fewer migraines for the reader ;-)


Welcome back hon.

and thanks for the download in my email. i hope your muse has her butt in gear so you can entertain us all with more of your great stories.

Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

P.S. For those who aren't aware of it, The Oracle Of Delphi is a first class, high test adventure story which deserves a lot more reads.

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Back from the wilderness...

Well, welcome back stranger! lol I was very much hoping that you were not gone for good! I'm very happy to see you back once again! Looking forward to more of your wonderful stories also!


I'm not even asking,

I'm not even asking, personally.

I'll be happy with her just writing again.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Kingdom of the Blind

Hi Last Boy Scout,

I’ll be honest here, Kingdom of the Blind has become a bit of a problem for me. The second part hit Fictionmania on 2nd September 2001, to a fantastic reception. I started wading straight in to the third part and seeing the open conflict I had in the Middle East was something that was unsustainable (and wouldn’t be permitted by the world for long with non-combatant casualties in international waters), was busy swinging it around to a conflict using terrorism as the weapon of choice. I was sat planning hypothetical terrorist atrocities when the radio said that an aircraft had hit the World Trade Centre... Then the world went just that little bit mad.

I have tried again to get back in there, more than once, and have just bounced. Not that I’m happy about it hanging, I need to know what’s happening too and until it hits the page the story is as much a mystery to me as it is to you.

So yes I do want to finish it, I have notes and bits and pieces from when it was still working. However while I am trying to seduce my muse again I don’t think it’s one to throw at her too early. I don’t want her running for the hills...
