I'm gonna be sick

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This priest defends the abuse of boys, saying they "seduced" the priests involved.


Made me want to woof my cookies, and then beat him senseless ...

Weird and Disgusting

One thing the priest said was, "It wasn't homosexual, it was heterosexual". The in the best way, I see a loving het or homo relationship as a relationship of teen to teen or adult to adult, ie. peer to peer. Each partner may have different roles in the relationship, but, hopefully, it is a relationship between equals.

Relationship with a child is pedophilia; it is a one-sided, powerful vs powerless, relationship. One thing I don't understand is that some pedophiles apparently go after little girls, others go after little boys and, just guessing, I think some go after either. I guess it might mean something in their messed up brains, but I don't think it's the same as gay or het or bi.

Has anyone here investigated pedophilia more deeply? Any idea what this sex preference, in who to attack, means?

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Beat him

Angharad's picture

senseless first then upchuck all over him - much better.

There is no justfication for child abuse, it is indefensible.


Isn't that the usual rapist's defense

I couldn't help myself, it was too tempting! She was

a) wearing clothing that was too revealing

b) Walking too sexy


C)She had on blue sweats

Okay, maybe not that last one, but you never know. The point is it's all just a case of "It can't be me, must be your fault." Maybe if those altar boys quit wearing those skimpy robes...
