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  1. It just broke my heart

    This was the most painful thing I've ever written. All of the characters behaved badly and then suffered. And even when they tried to behave well, they suffered because the situation was just beyond their ability to deal with. ...

    - 2008/02/01 - 9:24pm - 2 comments

  2. Re: Your Apology

    I'm not going to gloss over the reality that you really, really upset me. I don't expect everyone to agree with my human rights stance on issues and my "politics." Reasonable, and reasoned, debate is always interesting. ...

    - 2008/02/02 - 12:16am - 17 comments

  3. Big January

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Just so people know, here's the graph from Sitemeter of monthly visitors for the past twelve months.:) Hugs, Erin ...

    - 2008/02/02 - 1:08pm - 11 comments

  4. Small Signs

    Something interesting happened today when I went out to eat, at one of those chain steak/buffet places. As is usual on a Sunday it was mostly filled with families, three generations or more. I was seated next to an extended family who were there along wit ...

    - 2016/08/13 - 7:32pm - 3 comments

  5. music to write to

    I thought I'd try something tonight by way of an experiment. I'm still plugging away at my Edwardian story so I thought I'd programme some appropriate music for the period, so far it's been Parry and Elgar orchestral pieces, with a chu ...

    - 2008/02/04 - 1:11pm - 13 comments

  6. The 34C 18YO Virgin A Rant

    The Eighteen-year-old 34”C” Virgin Many of the men here, even those of you who write as women, will not see anything wrong with that possibility. You have not considered what causes breast growth. Natural: Normal Hormones: From about ten to about forty ...

    - 2008/02/04 - 2:01pm - 15 comments

  7. Reflections on naming Jewish daughters and Femdom

    Didn't you just love Courtney? Forget the issue of what kind of Jewish parents give a daughter such a goyishe (Hebrew for gentile; literally meaning “nation,” but signifying non-Jew and often carrying a pejorative connotation when Jews carry out all ...

    - 2008/02/04 - 8:04pm - 6 comments

  8. I win!

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Okay, after a DECADE off of school, my first semester back is a resounding success! ...

    - 2008/02/05 - 4:45pm - 8 comments

  9. Point Of View: And Stories

    I have started a new series called Point Of View. In my new series, the character will give their thoughts on events and other characters within the story. ...

    - 2008/02/07 - 12:01am - 27 comments

  10. What Is A Community?

    I see a lot of heat being generated about the "BC" community. As I see it there are a couple of hundred people who contribute to this site either as authors or as bloggers or as commentors or all three. There is also a silent group who must enjo ...

    - 2008/02/11 - 7:13am - 33 comments

  11. Are you a gamer?

    Hello everyone. I want to ask all of you a question. How many of you consider yourselves gamers? I am writing a novel about gamers and superheroes, and the question came up as to the percentage of guys vs girls game. That got me to thinking that maybe the ...

    - 2008/02/12 - 7:00am - 19 comments

  12. T Stories- an update

    Well, it seems that whatever we did worked. I figure that en masse, we represented quite a large volume of stories posted on T Stories. The board is currently closed until all requested stories have been removed. NB ...

    - 2008/02/13 - 12:34am - 12 comments

  13. The Price to Pay- Prequel- Afterword

    I love the interactivity of this website, why else would I be up at 4.30am wanting to respond to a few comments at the end of my latest little effort at fiction. The first point to address is what happens to Meryl, the girlfriend of the hero/heroine. Why ...

    - 2008/02/14 - 9:53pm - 8 comments

  14. Why I write short stories

    Author:  Heather Rose Brown Heather Rose Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A while ago I heard a story that inspired me to write the way I do. I don't remember it word for word, but it went something like this: ...

    - 2008/02/16 - 1:27am - 6 comments

  15. I Am Wondering About Something

    In the Blog posted about Sephrena flying out to Seattle to see her girlfriend Princess Chelsea, only two of the comments actually wishes her well as she travels. The others are all about the blog itself. Me, I can't understand why there are not more ...

    - 2008/02/18 - 1:44pm - 5 comments

  16. historical dilemma

    I've been working on a story for the last few days (unplanned, the idea came to me on the bus home from work), but I'm a bit concerned about the setting. Originally it was to be set partly during the Great War, but I was afraid of it being too d ...

    - 2008/02/22 - 1:23pm - 10 comments

  17. Being Welsh

    We 'Cymro'- the people, have little to celebrate. We're a small nation overrun in mediaeval times by our larger and more powerful neighbour, but never quite subdued. ...

    - 2008/02/23 - 6:08pm - 18 comments

  18. Asking a question of authors

    Although I am writing a western story over on Fictioneer, I am back to this group to ask a question because it has more authors. When you write a story, do you know about what will happen when you begin it? Like I have said, my stories seem to write thems ...

    - 2008/07/25 - 4:52pm - 21 comments

  19. Oh, that I could have such a problem, Sigh. I think it is pretty obvious why these two created such a stir. If I could look like that they could kick me off every flight. Maybe they should offer complementary Burqas? giggle Gwen Better ...

    - 2008/02/25 - 7:42pm - 5 comments

  20. Very few

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) [Note: This blog started as a comment reply to a comment on Camp Kumoni: 31 by Anistasia Allread] ...

    - 2012/06/23 - 4:57am - 24 comments
