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  1. Heroes For Hire Chp. 3

    down and offered her a place on his team. She was surprised he could find her. She had changed her ... use my abilities to change my coffee, but why do it that way? When I can do it normally?” Jerry sips ... a person to change. He knew Striker was given a different type of shot, just like Peyton had been given ...

    - 2018/09/18 - 11:30pm

  2. The Flaming Girls- Chapter 2

    ever changing repertoire of underpants: tight satin full-cut panties, see-through nylon French ... clean he changed into fresh clothing and took down the small suitcase that he had already packed with ... “Changing the subject… what news of my case?” Charlie asked. “Well funny you should ask. I’ve asked Ruffe ...

    - 2020/03/17 - 4:17pm - 6 comments

  3. Nora Midnight Part 8

    well. Once they had finished their breakfast. Nora changes while they put thier dirty dishes in the dish ...

    - 2018/03/04 - 9:35pm - 4 comments

  4. The Captured Crossdresser Chapter 3

    changed when the man saw Crystal and he began to stalk her. She was young, beautiful, alluring, a bit of ... changed. He was no longer an attentive suitor, he was becoming quiet aggressive. Dennis forced his lips on ...

    - 2022/04/15 - 11:23pm - 2 comments