So what's an average TG?

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So What's an average TG?

I have replied to the blog about average guys and wonder, what's the average TG person?

I'll bet that there aren't too many out there who can generalise are there?

It's probably the same for generalising about guys or anyone for that matter.

You have to build the character according to what you want. You can't say that guy 'A' is typical, because there's always going to be something that makes him slightly different from all the rest.

I suspect the same is true with the TG people. You can't generalise and you can't make typical - really, because what one person will do, another won't. What one sees as normal, another will see as strange and so it goes on.

I guess it all depends upon how you want to define a TG/TV/TS/guy or any other character. It may not be typical for a bloke/guy/man to put flowers in his sisters hair, but the fact that he does doesn't make him gay or even strange. There are lots of florists out there who are as straight as a die.

In many ways we are all typical and yet at the same time we can still be individuals can't we?



The average TG falls between the average guy and the average gal, in terms of behaviours. Specific types of TG, such as transsexual or transvestite... those I could generalize as well, but am not comfortable doing so, as the specifics are way more varied. Transgender (TG) itself is a generalization.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No. Wait. That was God. Sorry, common mistake...

In other words....

It's not really something that can easily be defined?

That's what I thought.

Same with guy's and gal's isn't it?

So Who Is?

joannebarbarella's picture

Average that is. Do you want to be average? Or do you want to be you? We are all different and some of us will be way left of the curve and some of us will be way right of the curve, and what I like about BC is that I see all types, and they talk to each other! Can that be so bad?

Who is indeed?

That's exactly what this blog is about. It was a response to Heather Rose Brown's blog about average guys and what makes them average.

There was much I wanted to say and little I could say without upsetting some if not all of the readers here.

So I started my own blog asking a similar question.

Thus far, I have had just three comments in return and sure as eggs are eggs, none can give me a definitive answer - why?

Because, there's no such thing.

Just as there's no such thing as an average girl, average cross dresser, average anyone.

That's what makes people so interesting.

who's average?

kristina l s's picture

Let's see... a few Saturdays ago I was getting dolled up to go to a dinner party. A sort of blind date setup by a lady friend with a guy that turned out to be quite nice. Never dated a guy before... so that was interesting.

Yesterday I spent the day mowing the lawn and then... changing the oil and the brake pads on my old 4WD, can't afford someone else ta do it so needs must and all that. Plays hell with the manicure though, all that oil and stuff, even through two pair of latex gloves.

So what's typical then huh... I dunno. Now if there's a sliding scale of girly to macho I suppose it moves about a bit depending on circumstance. So typical....Huh??


Bell curve

I imagine that scale is more like a bell curve, with most behavior grouped around a middle area and extremes out to either end.

As for depending on circumstances, many years ago I knew a girl, to look at she was your typical blonde cheerleader-type - quite attractive and liked to dress sharp, drove a Corvette convertible, attracted a lot of male attention. Built the engine in that Vette herself, and I do mean ALL by herself! Like you said, Kristina, she told me it played hell with her nails for a month.

Human behavior is all over the chart, TG or GG. Average or normal is an approximation some come closer to than others; it's not a goal.

Bell curve?

And again, this all depends on the criteria that qualifies.

What information; behavioural patterns, preferences, likes, dislikes are used when producing these charts of statistics?

See, if we go with any statistical information, we must first know what information has been used to produce the results and frankly, it sounds to me a bit like a L'Oreal advert or is it Olay?

They say the product works after tests on fifty-two women. Out of how many?

It doesn't show the truth. It shows only what the people setting the test are interested in, which could be favourite colour, favourite shirt, height, weight...

What it doesn't show is how that person will react to given stimuli. Will that average man put flowers in his sister's hair, will he wear the pink shirt, will the average woman be submissive in bed or prefer a dominant position...

So the bell curve is not a good indication of 'average'. It IS however a good indication that we are all indiviuals, unique if only in a minute way. There are no moulds left over after we have been made and even twins will be different from one another.

That's a good thing.


If I remember my math courses correctly (been a LONG time ago), a bell curve does not indicate an average. You can draw a line at the point where the largest grouping occurs, but that does not define an average, no matter what is being measured. It does define a median, which according to my dictionary means there are an equal number of values above and below that point. If the values are numerical, than an average is likely to fall at the same place; but median and average are not the same thing.

We are all individuals, but we are also part of a greater whole.

Averages and Character Development

There's been a lot of really great discussion about what makes someone average here. While it may not be a good way to define any individual, it can be a useful starting point in character development.

I sort of see "average" as a vaguely humanoid shaped lump of clay. When you start off, it doesn't really look like much. But if you go from that starting point and start taking away bits here and adding bits there, you can wind up with a very believable, realistic person.

Heather Rose Brown :)

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

Groucho Marx

Standard Deviation

In Test and Measurements all statistics can be skewed to indicate what a researcher wants to prove their hypothesis with. There is no singular test that can wholey identify an individual as average or normal.
Things one has to ask when reading results of a statistical test is does the validity concur with the reliability. What is usually measured is not necessarily valid in any test. The human factor is part of the equation, What is the person looking for is a big part of deciding what is average and what is normal. Ergo, what I consider average as a person may not be average for someone else.

Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.