Pain and agony

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The infection is back and it's in full swing. My foot is swollen again all the way up to the calf muscle. I am in so much pain I cannot sleep. The doctor gave me pain pills. While they make my head all foggy and interfere with my ability to write, they do nothing for the actual pain. The doctor I have doesn't listen to a word I say, nor does she allow me to actually express everything that's on my mind as she hurriedly tries to shoo me out the door. I have obamacare, which let me go to one doctor which is a free clinic. Don't know what I'm paying monthly into. I told the doctor this pain pill didn't work from when they sent me home from the hospital with it, so she gave me a lower dosage. Beside the foot, I have a pain around my spleen that when it flairs up really hurts.

I am in a bit of a catch 22. If these new antibiotics don't work I need to go to the hospital for iv antibiotics. If I go in the hospital I will lose my job. It has been my contention that I once did something so bad that life is trying to even the score.


on top of that

That tampa bay bucs lost another game. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

Okay. You need to focus on getting the swelling to go down...

First things first. You need to do what you can for you back and leg.

If you have a tub, it is time to take a warm to moderately hot, (whatever is conformable for you), soak. That will help relax the muscles in both your leg and your back, make you feel better, and it will indirectly relieve the pain some.

And be careful getting in an out of your tub. As you get in or out, only put weight on you good leg. And always use handholds. Don't just use you legs to get in and to get out. Also, have a phone by you, in case you need to call for help.

If you do not have a tub. Get a plastic chair, put it in you shower, and at least run some warm to moderately hot water on your swollen leg for fifteen to twenty minutes. That will help.

When you can contact your doctor, ask him or her, if it is okay if you take anti-inflammatory medication.

Finally, check your temperature BEFORE you get into the tub. If your infection is giving you a fever, you might just need to go to the emergency room.

Take care of yourself...

erica jane's picture

Please! After spending time in the hospital myself, I can really sympathize. I will keep lots of good thoughts and hopes for you.

~And so it goes...

screw the job

you can look for a new job easier on two legs rather than one leg and a stump. That is unless you have a three cornered hat and like say A-R-R-R then you can get a peg leg.

if you need iv antibiotics in the hospital, just do it.

worst case, if it is as bad as you say, just show up at the ER.

There is a possibility

and it may not related directly to your inflamed foot, that Estradiol (estrogen) may be taking out your liver. In some people, the body refuses the changes estrogen tries to bring out, and the pain is your liver, kidney, or pancreas taking a beating. In my case I'm allergic to both sets of hormones, and this is precisely what I have had happening to me before surgery and after. It is still occurring within me everyday. I have to take meds to slow the progression of the destruction of my organs down but it will not stop it. I highly recommend a sonogram of the liver and kidneys asap to see if either pictures up to looking like it was from over-abuse by alcohol (which is being destroyed by the hormones and possibly diabetes). Estrodial can also begin the progression of diabetes and further weight gain in a sedate lifestyle.

I do recommend getting in touch with an endocrinologist and a doctor worth a damn to help you formulate a plan for what to do. Diabetes, Obesity, and infections are deadly. Please get the will to fight it all and live. Go to the doctors you need to see and get away from the ones who will not help.


about Obamacare

my wife has insurance thru the market place and she has choices of who she can go too , and only pays $10.50 a month
CONTACT THE INSURANCE company and explain your problem with the doctor and ask for another doctor .
sound like you need to go to an infectious disease doctor or vascular doctor
I hope this helps you get the proper care and get well soon

I hope you get well..

I work at a hospital,(I'm a maintenance mechanic), and i will tell you that you should not mess around with any infection. Do what ever you have to. I know your worried about your job, but your health...your life is more important. An infection can turn for the worst overnight or even in a few hours. I don't know what area you live in, but if that doesn't start to get better soon, I would go somewhere like johns Hopkins. Please please be persistent with your docs. Sometimes you have to get very firm with them or even...dare I say...shitty with them. I myself was sick over a period of 2 years and I have been there and done that. I went to 3 of the best hospitals in the country and eventually had to travel from Baltimore to Boston to see a specialist. I wish you the best.