Looking for a story

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I'm looking for a story and this is basically what I remember of it:

There's an uncompleted story on BC that really caught my eye. I remember that the main character's name was K.T./Katie(K.T was the characters initials as a boy and was trans) when the family moved his boy clothes got lost and he was allowed to explore himself. Ends up befriending the neighbor who has a friend who is trans. She has another one who was Lesbian and it's set in San Fransisco


not quite it

dawnfyre's picture

but the main character's bff being lesbian named Katie ( KT as tomboy ) in EOF's Just Roll With It.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Character K.T.

I thought Katie (K.T.) Leone had characters by that name in a number of her stories.

Michelle B

This was a story set in San Francisco

late 1800's early 1900's. I thought it was maybe written by shelley shalimar or maggie finson or someone along those lines. The adult woman inside a general store took in the little kid.


It sounds familiar

Sammi's picture

Don't remember character name, but if it is the same one, the child in question becomes enamoured with the fountain and the garden at the local manor house and is later taken in by the Lady of the manor

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx

Here is a KT story plus 1 more triggered by the first

The Mall Holiday Pageant By Angel O'Hare
A young boy, a twin, named Kim Rene Townsend thinks his name is too feminine. Using his initials, KRT, he decides to go by Kurt. His mom refuses to call him Kurt but will call him KT. Of course it usually comes out sounding like Katie. I enjoyed it when I read it.

Thinking of this brought to mind another story. It does not have a KT in it that I recall. I do recommend it however. This one is Fashion Star by Paula Dillon. In this story, many characters from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy are recreated in the costume contest between the mall stores. I am actually rereading this one right now.


Kind of odd to respond after 4 years but I think I found it

I believe it is, Moving On-Part 1 by Mona Lisa. It has literally all the details mentioned in the prompt except for one detail rather than the initials being K.T. they are K.D. but pronounced Katie. Maybe I'm a bit weird for answering this question after so long but hey next time someone stumbles across this question it will be answered :).