Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

2024 New Year's Contest

If you click on 2024-01 January - New Year's Resolution Story Contest above, you will see a list of the entries.

Contest Closed for entries.

Please post your choices for top three stories and possibly win $50.

Start the New Year right by participating in Jill, Emma, and Joanne’s writing contest!

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Sledgehammer by me from DopplerPress on Amazon


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Sledgehammer on Kindle


This is the same story that's been in the Hatbox for some time, now released with new editing and a new cover on Amazon. The story of Jake and Cody, friends--and Freds--for a lifetime. See story for joke about the Freds.


Hatbox funds needed - Today

Cash contributions from our members are how we keep BigCloset operating.

Company account was down to basically $0

If bills hit, we will overdraft.

Amazon is supposed to pay us tonight, but my stomach is cramping now with anxiety about this.

Please, If you can help, it will be appreciated.

Paypal contributions come straight to our account.

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat and the rest of the crew

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The Last Holidays - Kindle eBook by Grover Young


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Craig is one of Earth's bio-engineered soldiers in a war against an alien invasion. Unfortunately, when he uses his powers, he turns female. Now Halcyon has to deal with invaders and with Craig's girlfriend's preference for his female self! On top of that, Earth is losing the war.... There must be another way to deal with the conflict or the world will run out of holidays—forever!

The Last Holidays

the problem with making an early entry

I have come to realize that being the first person to enter a contest has a drawback - after a bit, the story gets lost in the shuffle of all the new ones put out.

so unless you deliberately seek it out, you wont see it, and it probably wont get any more comments or kudos.

ah, well.

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Fantastic Mars -15- Reposted due to earlier corruption

Fantastic Mars -15- has been reposted because the earlier post was corrupted and cut off after just a paragraph or two.

I'd really love to see some comments on this one to help me gin up the energy to take this story to a conclusion. :)


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Changing a Life - or maybe two?

I am just letting people know that I have lodged my entry and I think it is the first one.
Being not content with my last adventure doing the silk road by road and rail east to west, I am off again soon and my not be back until late October, so I am getting in now, although Christmas still seems a long way off!

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I’m Haunted by Columbine’s Story “An Awakening”

My spouse has been trying to get me to tour the St. Paul Cathedral. I’ve resisted. Fifty years ago, in my twenties, I lived for a year in an eight-plex -- two hundred yards from the Cathedral and never once set foot in it.

I was raised Catholic and seriously considered becoming a monk. I spent a week in an abbey. The older I got, the less I wanted to have anything to do with Catholicism, or any other traditional church.

The St. Paul Cathedral makes me nauseous.

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Golden Age Masks Excerpt

An excerpt from The Modern Age, an unfinished novel set in the Thirties of the Masks universe:

"Wow," whispered Dutch, looking over the edge of the roof at the street far below. He glanced back at the Night Master, who was preparing to throw a grapple wrapped in rags across the gap between the buildings. "You've done this before?"

"Many times," the Night Master replied, as he sent the padded hook whistling through the air. It caught on a vent pipe projecting from the roof of the penthouse of the lower, neighboring building.

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Week off

Hey there, everyone.

I've got a busy week ahead and probably won't have much if any time to write or post, and since my birthday is on Thursday and the long weekend is ahead as well, I'm going to just take the week off and try to reconnect with my muse and recharge my batteries. I will return to my usual posting/writing schedule after Labour Day.

*big hugs*



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many of you may know of my love for statistics, being a maths graduate and all. Earlier today I ran the statistics for my stories again (a fairly time-consuming process but usually done in well under half an hour). What's interesting is comparing them to the last time I did the stats, which was May 13 2023.

In that time (17 months and 13 days) I've only posted 12 additional chapters (amusingly, I have sixteen in my backlog right now*) increasing from 258 to 270. However, on my existing chapters:

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Broke, Again

Broke. We have $80 in business accounts and bills due with about $1000 due personally (mobile home registration).

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you, more than you know. :)

Thanks for any amount you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have previously contributed here or paid for a membership at Patreon or Hatbox.

Many thanks!

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat, Ashly, Rasufelle and the rest of the crew

Below are versions of the PayPal links.

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I’m beginning to think that I’m evil.

I have finally written a cereal on purpose and not just ad hoc. Not that the readers will be able to tell the difference.

Of course it’s a “Bru” cereal which is why I’m not calling it a serial.

Some will think it will snap, crackle and pop while others will think it’s just soggy. Most who read will find themselves in the shoes of Oliver Twist in the orphanage.

“Conform!” really was a pilot. Depending on the response I’d post the rest (I’m not saying whether the criteria was “below” or “above” a certain limit).

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Story recomendation from the archives of Tiffany Shar

As I mentioned in my last post Thank you for a blast from the past to Tiffany Shar I am currently re-reading some of the stories posted many “turnings of the seasons” back. Some of these I not read in over a decade. On re-reading them now, I remember having read them in the past. This fact is also confirmed by the fact many of parts have a Kudos registered to my user ID.

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Thank you for a blast from the past to Tiffany Shar

Thanks to a recent story chapter post by Tiffany Shar I started re-reading her previous contributions and got a serious blast from the past! After re-reading Suddenly Royal from a contest in 2020 in order to establish context for the sequel that Tiffany just recently started to post here on BigCloset TopShelf.

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For the Authors

I do not know how many on here are like me. I am here to read, and say very little. I do not think I have anything worth saying. I have stories in my head, but I would never be able to put them on paper the way some of these phenomenal authors do.
My question for the authors. Other than the kudos or buying the books from Amazon, what is there that a reader can do to encourage you. I am thinking especially of times when an author is struggling to think through what to write or how to continue a story. How can I as a reader be an encouragement to the authors.

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Issues With Kindle Charges.

In the last few weeks I've gotten warnings from Amazon Kindle about "Problems with my payment". I've checked my bank balance and there should be no issue. No certain author. It makes me feel reluctant to use Kindle. In the past, Kindle has been my GO TO resource.

This reminds me of a REM hit, "It's the end of the world as we know it".

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