Magic is.. gonna take a few weeks?

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Hi everyone!

I don't normally do blog post's or anything but I figured it would be easier here then saying it anywhere else so excuse any poor form or anything present as I ramble on here with as few words as possible.

To those keeping up with Hannah and her life in my 'Magic is..' series I've got some bad news, good news and some hopefully good news?

Bad news first -
I've just posted [4.20], the end of the current arc and I'm taking a few weeks break from posting before the next arc goes up.
We've had a good run, nearly a full year of non-stop weekly updates, but I need a bit of extra time to get everything in place right for this next bit.
On top of THAT I'm sorry to say that once we finish the next arc or so I'll be taking another break again, just to catch my breath a bit and recharge before we go headfirst into the final arc's of the series.

Now the good news -
The story is in no way 'ending' and I'll still be writing during this second break, albeit at a slower pace for a bit.
While the current series will have a conclusion eventually, I've got a sequel already in the works.

And now (drum roll please) the hopefully good news -
I'm opening up the universe to any writers who are interested in helping me make it grow!

To keep things from getting too confusing as we go on I'm capping the timeline between the entirety of human history and Hannah's current summer so no jumping into the far future for anyone sadly yet.
On the plus side, it means you have a whole world full of hidden and not so hidden magical event's to work with! :)

Just why IS Caesar dying so often this century?
What kind of system do the Australians use to hide magic from people, if any?
What ever happened to that poor confused college kid Hannah gave a pep-talk to in the elevator on her wild-John hunt?
What would happen if you dropped a mage naked at the north pole in the 1900s because he declares one too many times at the local gentleman's club that the 'normals' fruitless attempts to reach it are stupid and an outright mistake?
All these vitally important questions and more could be answered! :3

In all honesty, I love Hannah's world and the potential inside it but there's just too much to cover and no way I could ever flesh it out well enough to do it all justice at this point.
So the universe needs YOU!.. ya know, if you want or something?..

If you feel like writing into the universe:
Maybe you've had the odd thought of 'I wonder if..' while reading (and hopefully still enjoying) Hannah's life, or maybe you've just now decided that you desperately want to tell everyone about a poor orphan trying to survive on nothing but instinctive magic back in the dark ages who accidentally makes himself Queen of Gaul through an unlikely chain of events, then go for it!

I'll put up a list of universe 'rules' at a later time if enough people are interested but for now just have a think to see if you can come up with something you like and drop me a message.
Hopefully we can have some fun making Hannah's life's with her man-besty, limpet daughter and not-so-twin-looking twin sister into a bigger world full of richer and interesting magical adventures across time and space.

Sorry for the long message.
Hopefully I've piqued a few peoples interest, and if not I've at least given you all a heads up on the upcoming writing breaks.


P.S as a helpful note for anyone thinking of trying to come up with a plot, Wikipedia is you're friend.
Practically everyone mentioned in passing through Hannah's story so far is based on a real person.
For reference, try checking up on the Byzantine Empress Theodora.. that girl was scary, crazy and powerful way before I got my hands on her!


Taking time... I've said before to others, is a good thing when it serves to keep you, the writer, from going the bad sort of barmy, or helps to get your story to a point you're satisfied enough with to post. :-) I've been loving the Magic series, and I'll wait with bated-ish breath whilst you do what you need. As for opening the setting... Woohoo!! :-D I'd love to see what some of the writers here could come up with!


Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"