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I told folks that as soon as I got them developed, I'd post a pic of my new look. Short hair with streaks, contacts instead of glasses.

Edeyn's New Look


Looking Good

joannebarbarella's picture

Thanks for sharing with us,
A big hug,

You look great.

I love that hair. Can I borrow those earrings? Oh wait. I don't have pierced ears. Damm. Oh well, never mind.


Your hairstyle frames your head really nicely, and I really like the color. I keep on thinking about getting a shorter style, but I keep chickening out. I still like having long hair, but there's days when it can be a pain.

Heather Rose Brown

Love the new 'do

The cut and color certainly fits your personality..or what I know of it..Fiesty and Sassy. Lookin' good!!


Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived

It's you!

That new doo is so you! It really looks good.

Looking Great Girl

Edeyn - And I enjoy most of your writtings also -- keep up the great work! Richard


Aaaaarghhh!! i'm going crazy!!

All these lovely compliments and commendations about your choice of new hair.... and I can't see the image from my browser!!! Damn! I'm sure you look stunning!! Love Ginger xx