Crimes Against the Website

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I just had to write a PM reply to an author who felt very confused. She posted a story that several commenters admitted was well-written but the very existence of the story was attacked by several prominent posters here -- attacked on moral grounds. The gist of the comments were that the story should not have been written since the actions depicted in the story were immoral.

What the Fuck, People????!

Such comments are an attack on the existence of BigCloset itself. ALL of the stories here offend someone's morals somewhere. That's why we had a Day of Remembrance on the 20th of last month. Transgender people are constantly being victimized by someone somewhere who is morally offended by the continued existence of beings they don't want to understand.

Many of the stories here are fantasies. Some of them are ugly fantasies and some of them may seem ugly to some other readers here. Yup. That's the way it works. It's the BigCloset. That's why I call it that.

So, I'm going to ask you, everyone of you, before you post a comment -- Think -- is this comment an attack on the existence of this story? Is it an attack on a sub-genre or style of story that it is KNOWN that some TG people enjoy reading? Is it an attack on the writer disguised as an attack on the morals of some of the characters? Like, maybe the villains? Or even the heroes, doesn't matter.

Such comments are in violation of the spirit of this site. If you have made such a comment recently, yes, I'm talking to you. If you think I might be talking to you, I'd like you to PM an apology to the author you may have offended. I know that no one INTENDED to be offensive to me or the author but there was an insufficiency of blood flow to the frontal lobes, or something. :)

Okay, 'nuff said about that.

Hugs to all,