Harry Potter Ride

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I saw this at Yahoo! main page tonight, Here's to Potter!



Sceptical view

Although I like the HP franchise, as with many franchises nowadays I hate all the marketing and spin-off merchandising beyond the books / films / DVDs. And now a theme park...

I suppose it'll interest and attract children, but what they can offer will only be a pale imitation of the HP universe. I can't imagine the real world version of "Every flavour beans" doing what it says on the tin (so to speak), and presumably the Quidditch sim will be a high tech variation on the "bucking bronco" ride - i.e. the "brooms" will be pneumatically controlled, surrounded with crash mats, and the walls of the enclosure will probably project appropriate scenes.


Then again, I've recently got immersed in the Whateley Academy series of tales, which I doubt could ever be filmed:
a) The rate at which the story's progressing, by the time the four years are up you'd probably have several dozen books worth of stories
b) Poe Cottage (need I say more?)
c) Effectively portraying all the different mutant types - and how they perceive the world (visually and mentally)
d) Super powers + hormones = recipe for chaos
e) The Chess Master makes Voldemort look like a rank amateur (compare the scale of Whateley's Halloween invasion vs. the Hogwarts invasion)
f) Sara. Merry. Heyoka. Chulthu Mythos.


This space intentionally left blank.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

If it does get filmed...

Then somehow we were all banished (?) to Whateley(ite) Universe. And we are already crazy from all the Mythos exposition. But, then again, sanity is overrated ;)



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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


I like the real world every flavour beans! They have vanilla, sardines, dirt, popcorn, peppermint, grass, pepper, and more! I thought they were a fun treat to have with my friends and the flavours were convincing, at least in my opinion...

Harry and friends

Andrea Lena's picture

If Ms. Rowling continues the series, I fear the next installment might be Harry Potter and the Descent into Mediocrity.
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones." Che Dio ti benedica! 'drea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

I am desperately clinging

laika's picture

to my original images of the Harry Potter universe, which I got from the early books before they made the (they're okay...) movies. It's a lot dumpier and more prosaic than what the films showed us, but funnier. If I had been in charge of the sets, costumes and effects the films probably would've flopped, and I see why they had to go big with all that; but what tickled me about the books was that in spite of the wonders they dealt with all these wizards and witches were still so middle class and English, with the bureacratic Ministry of Magic & what have you.

Still, if I was ever in Orlando, and had money, I'd probably check the place out. The Star Trek exhibit was my favorite part of my Las Vegas trip two years ago, with UNLV basketball players running around dressed up like Klingons, and Quark's restaurant (which from the prices I think he really did own) serving Vulcanburgers (?), and the seats with hydraulics that goosed us when we were supposedly injected with with Borg nanobots- it was all so damned silly that I was laughing the whole time!
~~~hugs, Laika