Be careful who you attack in Wales.

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A drunken thug, in Swansea, got a nasty surprise when he attacked a guy in a dress one night.


Chavs:0 TGirls:2

That has cheered me up no end. No, not the violence, but the fact that the halfwits got prosecuted successfully. Its a shame though that they could not go for a night out without being harassed.

That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog =>

That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address


They get beat up by 'sissies,' or whatever pejorative term they might use -- with the video camera watching. Then, they get prosecuted and have to be home by 7:00 like good little boys.

The news folks want the two cross-dressers to identify themselves. Fat chance, I would think. After all, they may be open to prosecution, too.

By the way, I am somewhat disappointed that a professional news company doesn't edit their copy better.

One strips to the waist, not the waste.

One defuses (as in a bomb) the situation. To diffuse is to spread out.

(I'm glad most of our writers here do better with the mechanics than the 'professionals' at South Whales News.

(OK, I'm done being catty now.)

Dead Man Weds

Local newspapers are notorious for their lack of proof readers...

...but then again, we have a national that has a reputation for less than perfect spelling (The Guardian, aka The Grauniad in honour of this 'achievement') - although Wikipedia claims this reputation is largely historic and inaccurate...


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As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!