Why I Was NOT here Commenting

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For a while, I was not here, reading, nor commenting, here is why. Tuesday, I lost the internet, cable and phone, Service was restored to the cable Wednesday afternoon, but it tok until recently to restore the internet and phone, but I have to wait until later today to get my old number.

May Your Light Forever Shine



Sounds about right for a Telecoms company - but to restore service in only a few days is pretty unusual...then again, being cable, it's only one provider for the entire bundle.

I've heard several tales from people with ADSL broadband who have had no service for weeks or even months - usually because the ISP blames it on BT's equipment at the exchange, and BT blame it on the ISP. Neither will talk to each other or admit liability.


This space intentionally left blank.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

BT aka British Telecom

BT were doing that back in the days when they were Post Office Telephones, and used to supply you with a modem as well as something they called a service. Nothing has changed much since then, except the equipment has got smaller and shinier.

We actually kidnapped an engineer once and locked him in the office until he got our (very expensive) line problem fixed. His managers insisted that the problem was "our equipment" even though we knew that could not possibly be true.

Now the old system has been split up it just gives BT the chance to blame a lot of other people instead of themselves when a fault occurs. After all, it saves them money actually doing something.

And you good folks in the US thought AT&T was bad...


Dear Stanman

I actually missed your incisive and enlightening comments!

Merry Xmas season.


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
