A bit of nonsense from The Guardian

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I don't understand

Wendy Jean's picture

Drag queens. I think I understand cross dressers (maybe), they have a feminine side that needs expressed now and then.

But drag queens? They seem to be trying to get under peoples skin.

Oh well, understanding not required. Respect and courtesy of fellow travelers is.

So difficult...

Andrea Lena's picture

...Drag Queens and their presentations are almost like the cute kid in the family who always seems to be called on to sing or play for everyone while the other kids seem to fade into the background. Nothing wrong at all with Little Susie belting out Tomorrow to everyone's delight, but Andrea wonders if she and her other sisters will ever get the attention and credit they deserve? It's really sad that, apart from the odd film now and then, the 'face' of transgender on Logo is RuPaul.

And while I've got nothing against the color pink, it's frustrating that orientation still = gender in the eyes of many folks, since we're all about Gay Pride. I'd be happy if I was as brave as some of my friends here and have a bit of Me pride for a change, but we all have our own lives to 'face,' aye? Thanks for the link Ang. I hope and pray your Christmas gives you some strength and joy for the challenges you and your precious family face in the days ahead.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

it's sad...

it's sad that so many people seem to believe that drag queen/king = transgender = drag queen/king... And, as a result have little chance in understanding those of us who are transexuals (or other less visible people who get lumped under the "transgender" label).

Glad they have a fun venue, and that they have an audience that enjoys their flamboyance.
