Are you a Dustbunny?

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You might be. Find out for sure, soon....



uh, who told you?

I was going to write under 'Crusader Rabbit' but it was taken... and he's male anyway.



Not true at all...

Puddintane's picture

Everything real about Crusader Rabbit was supplied by Lucille Bliss, who voiced the original character. The second and latter series were voiced by Ge Ge Pearson, also female.

At very most, Crusader Rabbit was either a drag king or a very butch dyke.




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Yes, I probably am one.

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

At least that would be one way to describe me.

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

I don't know,

Wendy Jean's picture

but I raise lots of them. Cleaning is not my strong suit.

My Ex

Daniela Wolfe's picture

My Ex used to call me a dirt monger, does that count? :P

Have delightfully devious day,

Someone has been peeking

under my bed, hmmm? Trust me, you don't wanna do that. There are Dust Bunnies under there who have been there for... a millennium? It has to have been that long because I swear I've heard them plotting to take over the rest of the house and then? THE WORLD!!!!!

More later. I gotta go find the heavy duty, industrial size swiffer sweeper.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg