Julia Michelle's blog

can someone please give me a little input please

the reception to my last two posts is disappointed. And while I did get a nice personal message that the second chapter of Revenge hooked them and they enjoyed it. That helped inspire me further on that
I hoped someone would tell me what they thought about the Star. I do know that may be of the most brutal stories

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A question about my stories so far and my future plans

I wonder how my stories fit here. So far I posted a story about a prince being treated badly. I have posted a story a husband who is being abused at work by his boss and faces a feminization and a forced marriage to a sadistic mobster with high level connections. And a strong wife who is determined to do anything she can to stop it. I have a lot planed there but it is brutal

I have also posted a recent story about a very abused and manipulated submissive husband who was cheated, and ignored, only there to serve his wifes sadistic boyfriends plaything.

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how do I update a story

I want to know how we handle updating a story here. I know theres an edit function and I can do it that way. But If I do then its been all weekend, hardly anyone will see it then. Is it allowed to make a new post when I do it. I realized that I made some major mistakes in the first posting. Some major palm faces that will require some major rewriting.

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