Instant pictures to caratures

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I haven't used the program so you are on your own. I thought it might be a help to those who need graphics in their stories?

Cartoonize your picture!

Turn any picture into a custom cartoon
Your new handmade cartoon is just 3 clicks away!

As always, buyer beware. Again, I haven't done a review on the program or what they offer.


Not software

erin's picture

It's not a program in the sense of software, it's an actual artist you are hiring. Usually students in someplace like Serbia, Uruguay or the Phillipines who can afford to work more cheaply than North Americans or Western Europeans. I use Fiverr for artwork a lot and results vary because it is human endeavor.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Then what about Deviantart?

BarbieLee's picture

Erin, I've looked at some of the artistry in Devinatart. Some of those artists are beyond good. What about signing on and contacting some of the exceptional ones?
DeviantArt - The largest online art gallery and community

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

The difference

It's mostly a matter of cost. Fiverr is called that because the basic price for many things there is $5. Most Deviantart artists would ask 10 to 50 times that much. Or more.


For Freebies or Paid Book?

BarbieLee's picture

Five hundred to a thousand dollars for a book cover is cheap. The cover has the most important job. Get a potential reader to pick up the book. The grabber on the back tries to get them to open it up. The prelude will never be able to try and pull them in to flipping pages and scanning the story for the sale if either of the first two don't do their job.

If we are talking about a freebie posted online then five dollars is probably max if that much. Too much free art out there if one knows where to look or has any of the 50,000 to 100,000 photos and art from Photo Shop CDs.

It boils down to the target audience and if it is a for sale story or a freebie. We coughed up more than 1000 for cover art several times. The cover must be visually stimulating accenting what the story is inside. The cover is the make it or break it sale for the majority of books sold. For the freebies, I look for freebie art or skip it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I've seen fiver covers

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I've seen covers by the folks at fiver. They are well worth the five bucks. However for most of what I do, I cobble together something for myself.

five hundred to a thousand dollars would surely eat into an authors profit. Even at 99 cents a copy it takes a long while to sell a thousand copies.

Below are some that I've done myself.

Michelle's Summer of Discovery.jpg


My Cousin's Clothes cover by Phaitoon.jpg


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


There are many artists on dA that charge quite reasonable prices. I also know some artists whose work is available under Creative Commons License. There is also a sizeable TG/TS group on dA. Its worth a look. I was able to get an illustration for a friend for the cost of crediting the artist. It all depends on what you want.

FYI Noncommercial uses

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.