Awesome Artichoke Dip

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Awesome Articoke Dip

1 tub of sour cream (2 cups)
1 cup of mayonaise
1 lrg can of diced green chilies
2 cups of shredded parmesean cheese
1 bag of frozen artichoke hearts (I get mine at Trader Joes)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 TBS minced onion flakes
salt and pepper to taste

I start by spreading the artichoke hearts out on a baking sheet and place in the middle of the oven set to broil. (I want to dry them out, not broil/brown them)

Meanwhile in a bowl mix sour cream, mayonaise, 2/3rds of the cheese, and chilies in a bowl. Pull the dry artichokes out to the oven, cut into smaller pieces and add to dip mixture.

Add garlic powder, minced onion flakes, salt, and pepper.

Mix and put in a baking dish. top with remaining cheese and place in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes

Serve with crutons, crakers, bread, or if you're as bad as me..... just a spoon ;)

Variations include adding a bit of frozen spinach, and or bacon